If you see me walking with your girl(boy)friend, what you would do?
Nothing, because you don't catch anything.
Nothing. I'd just cringe in the corner
I was going to pretend nothing happened
I go and arrange another partner
I would fight with her(him)
I would do nothing
Do you prefer cats or dogs?
Your mom
None, because any animal does not like me.
The truth or lie?
The truth doesn't exist because we live in a world built by humans
Friendship is magic
If you find a wallet with 100 "doletas" what would you do?
Nothing, because something it could happen.
I would take it, after all I do not care about the others.
I would try to find the owner of the wallet to give it back
Knife or pocket knife to cut the wrists?
With a knife, because I simpatize with it
With a pocket knife, you know, knifes are so mainstream.
With nothing, because I don't want to comite suicide because I care about my life.
Judas lied?
I don't know him
Серьезно вы тратите время его перевода?
Yes. The world is beautiful
It's wate of time, i don't translate this, as I do not translate I will choose this
What is your favorite color?
I don't know
Black, because all thing in my life are black
Red, because roses are red
Blue, because I am a heterossexual boy
Pink, because I am a heterossexual girl.
White because I am racist
Green, because I love the nature
Grey, because the world are grey
Are you Hitler's chosen?
Yes, because I am part of the Aryan race
No, because Hitler was a idiot
Ernsthaft Sie Zeit es von hier übersetzen verschwenden?
Are you constantly being persecuted?
No because i'm amazing
Yes, 'cause I'am the worst person what live in that world
I don't know
Would you prefer be buried or cremated?
I already dead inside
Buried, because I am part of the Aryan race
Cremated, because I want my family to smell my powder later.
A viable way to die
Commiting suicide
Fighting against the cancer
I never will die 'cause I'am amazing
Nothing, because like my desire to make sex, I will die naturally
I will never die 'cause I'am amazing
Probably killed by some friend that I trusted a lot, because I'm a piece of shit
Listening Friday