Personality Test

Personality Test

If you are were u probably be thinking about coming out to your parents.

Imagem de perfil user: Duarte Aragão

Duarte Aragão


If you saw someone drop money, what'd you do?

Steal it
Giving it back
Steal the money, stab the person who dropped it and run away with his/her wallet

If you were to be a slut, where would you prefer to dance on a pole?

Las Vegas
New York

Imagine you take a shit at school, in the middle of the class. What would you do?

Push it back in
Pull it out and keep it somewhere
Smash it
Free snack

If you mother were be fucking one of your friends, what'd u do?

Join them
Kill it.
Kill her
Stop being his/her friend anymore

If a drug dealer gave you a discount:

I'd but twice of what I was already buying
I'd call the police and tell them about an amazing promotion on black friday
Tell him to fuck off
Fuck with him for free drugs

What would be an amazing date for you?

Going to a fancy restaurant and then take drugs in a nightclub
Go on a walk in Lisbon and give money to the poor ppl there and then ask for the money back
Masturbate each other in a roof with a view to the bridge 25th of April
Get drunk at Jessica's house together ❤️


🍆 webshooter
🍑 bussy
🍒 them BALLZ
() cooch
° clit

Food choice?

Sperm Shot
Diarrhea Milkshake
Piss Juice
Meatballs of Shit
Pubs as pasta
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