Who would you be in Harry Potter's universe?

Who would you be in Harry Potter's universe?

Now answer all the questions and find out wich house you belong to 🤭

Imagem de perfil user: sarah luiza

sarah luiza


when someone makes nasty jokes about you, what do you do?

You cry a lot and you hold a grudge
You confront him.
You Just ignore, because you are studying.
you retaliate the person with a heavier joke or mockery

If your mom says you can't go out with your friends, you:

You ask with more affection and remind her of the day you helped her with something.
You pretend to obey, but sneak out.
You try to bargain something with her.
You explain the reasons why you want go out with good arguments, and she can't say no.

You find money on the sidewalk...

And keep the money for you.
And you look for the owner, yelling "Has anyone lost money?"
You see if anyone seems to be looking for money on the sidewalk.
You keep the money until the owner shows up, but test it to make sure it's not lying.

Your friend tells you that someone is slandering him, so you...

You hit the person without thinking twice.
You console your friend and don't let the person get close to him.
you tell him to ignore it and also point him to a good book to distract him.
You wait for the best moment and then you get revenge on your friend's behalf, but without involving him.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Read a good book or what some movie.
See your friends and party with them.
Play sports or dance.
Watch stranger things.
Watch Anne with an E.
Play videogame.
search for trouble on the internet.
researching what it takes to get a place on a course or the job of your dreams.
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