What kind of friend do you are?

What kind of friend do you are?

Find out what kind of friend do you tend to be in a friendship.

Imagem de perfil user: Lara Sá Figueredo

When your friend is not OK, what do you tend to do?

Give him/her time to feel better.
Ask if him/her need some help and offer support, trying to listen and understand the situation.
Offers advice and tries to cheer you up.

How do you enjoy taking time with your friends?

Arranging to go out together (to eat out, go for a walk, have a picnic, etc.).
You guys decide to meet up and play a game together.
You like to talk about different topics and new things.

What do you have in common with your friends?

You guys like the same colors and the same styles of clothes.
You always talk about personal matters openly and comfortably. They have a strong emotional connection.
You went to the same places even before you met.
You tend to be each other's best advisors.
You have the same customs (hobbies, tastes, preferences and share the same things that you don't like), as if you were the same person.

Choose one of these colors:

Purple / Lilac

How often do you keep in touch with your friends?

Occasionally (on certain dates).
Whenever we want to talk (in other words, almost every day).
It's difficult to see each other very often (i.e., it depends).
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