What kind of friend are you?

What kind of friend are you?

This quiz will be an interactive quiz, which you can play with your friends or individually. For the purpose of interaction, as well as for you to learn more about yourself in your interpersonal relationships and what type of friend you are.

Imagem de perfil user: Andressa Souza

Andressa Souza



How do you react when a friend is sad?

a) I offer my shoulder and ears.
b) I try to cheer him up with jokes.
c) I give practical advice.
d) I do something special to distract him.

What do you do on a free day?

a) I spend time with friends.
b) I do something adventurous.
c) I take the opportunity to relax alone.
d) I organize a meeting with everyone.

How do you deal with conflict in a friendship?

a) I talk openly about what bothers me.
b) I try to make peace lightly.
c) I prefer to take some time and reflect.
d) I involve other friends to mediate.

What do you value most in a friendship?

a) Loyalty and trust.
b) Fun and laughter.
c) Support and understanding.
d) Adventure and new experiences

How do you celebrate a friend's birthday?

a) I give you a special surprise.
b) I plan a fun party.
c) I give a meaningful gift.
d) I make a vídeo with memories.
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