Friendship Focus: Discover What You Value in Your Bonds!

Friendship Focus: Discover What You Value in Your Bonds!

O quiz "Foco na Amizade" te convida a refletir sobre seus valores nas amizades, como honestidade e lealdade. Ele ajuda a entender seu estilo de amizade e orienta na formação de conexões mais profundas, além de abordar a resolução de conflitos e a abertura para novos amigos. Compartilhe suas percepções e resultados!

Imagem de perfil user: Gabriel Bastos
Gabriel Bastos

When your friend needs to vent, what do you usually do?

I listen attentively and give advice.
I offer practical help and try to solve the problem.
I try to cheer them up with something fun.
I empathize but feel a bit lost on what to do.
I pretend to listen but don’t really pay attention.

When you go out in a group, what’s usually your role?

The planner who organizes everything.
The responsible one who makes sure everyone’s okay.
The joker who makes everyone laugh.
The listener who supports everyone’s ideas.
The one who ends up ruining the plans by backing out or changing my mind.

If your friend does something that bothers you, how do you react?

I talk to them directly to resolve the issue.
I try to understand what motivated their actions.
I drop hints to show I didn’t like it.
I feel upset but let it go.
I talk badly about them to others without them knowing.

How do you usually show your friendship?

By messaging and calling frequently.
By helping them whenever they need it.
By doing fun activities together.
By listening and giving advice.
I only reach out when I need something.

What do you value most in a friendship?

Honesty and mutual support.
Availability to help in tough times.
Fun and happy moments.
The ability to listen and understand.
Having someone to do things for me when needed.
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