Friendship quiz!

Friendship quiz!

Friendship quiz😘✌🏻

Imagem de perfil user: Pérola Rhiana

Pérola Rhiana


1. When your friend is feeling down, what do you usually do?

1. When your friend is feeling down, what do you usually do?

a) Listen to them carefully and offer support.
b) Try to cheer them up with a joke.
c) Give them some space until they’re ready to talk.
d) Offer practical advice to help them out.
2. How often do you communicate with your closest friends?

2. How often do you communicate with your closest friends?

a) Every day — we’re always in touch.
b) A few times a week; we catch up when we can.
c) Once in a while; we value quality over quantity.
d) Rarely, but it doesn’t affect our bond.
3. When making plans with friends, you prefer to:

3. When making plans with friends, you prefer to:

a) Let them decide; I’m open to anything.
b) Take charge and suggest new things to do.
c) Find activities we’ll all enjoy together.
d) Keep things spontaneous; plans often change.
4. If your friend forgets an important date, like your birthday, how do you feel?

4. If your friend forgets an important date, like your birthday, how do you feel?

a) Understand that people get busy; it’s okay.
b) Laugh it off; it’s not a big deal.
c) Feel a little hurt but let it go.
d) Mention it later, but stay light-hearted.
5. How do you handle conflicts with friends?

5. How do you handle conflicts with friends?

a) Talk openly and resolve it as soon as possible.
b) Avoid confrontation and let things settle on their own.
c) Give them space, then address it calmly later.
d) Focus on finding a compromise that suits both.
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