Quem é você em Jadeatron???????w

Quem é você em Jadeatron???????w

Você provavelmente está aqui por quê eu te obriguei. Foi mal. Esse quiz é longo e está em inglês.

Imagem de perfil user: Lara Fialho

Lara Fialho


Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I am extroverted, no doubt! I really like being surrounded by people, no matter the context, group activities really strike my fancy and make me feel more energized and creative.
Extrovert, I like to be in a group, even if it is a small one. Not necessarily in the context of parties or a big social gathering. But to have interesting people and friends around really does make a difference for me.
Very introverted, people and social situations make me nervous and exhausted. Sure, I can enjoy my time with friends, but at the end of the day I feel better and recharged when I'm all by myself.
Introverted, I prefer to do everything by myself and I relax more when I'm not in a group, when I let my guard down. Too many people around me do not allow me to concentrate. I'm not necessarily shy, at least not a lot, but I love some me-time. For me, it is essential.
I’d say I’m a healthy mix of the two. Not perfectly balanced, I can lean on more to a side than another, but nothing too big

What do you like to do in your free time?

Activities that encourage my artistic side or that are more relaxing (singing, dancing, drawing, painting, writing, watching movies, etc.)
Do-it-yourself activities that require my concentration (gardening, robotics and programming, sports, sewing, carpenting, etc.)
What free time? I'd rather be busy, I find it strange when there's nothing to do.

Do you fancy being a leader?

I'd rather not have to lead anyone. I do not like working in groups.
People say I'm a born leader and I like that. I know how to be a good leader when this ability is required from me.
I do like it, but I had to learn how to be one and I keep perfecting this ability to this day.
I hate to be a leader, I prefer to follow existing rules rather than decide new ones, unless I disagree with them too much.

Do you consider yourself to be impulsive?

Yes, a lot, and that puts me in jeopardy sometimes.
No, not a bit. I like to always have a plan A, B and C and think twice before I act. A risky move is a bad move.
I do not know, I think I act on impulse sometimes in situations of distress, like any normal person.
I am more impulsive than I seem to be, but I know how to control my impulses — I’m afraid of the consequences.

Which of the following are you the most fond of? (Note that the question is "fond of", not necessarily "the best in")

Exact Sciences and Engineering
Human and Social Sciences
Linguistics and Literature
Biological & Life Sciences

A friend of yours is going through a hard time. How are you most likely to behave?

I will offer my friend my emotional support for the most part, and also search for a way to help them solve their problem if the situation seems solvable to me. I know a dead end when I see one, and then I will just make sure to be by my friend's side providing support while they recover from said hard situation. I just wish there was something effective I could do...
I have a hard time relating to feelings that aren't my own. I will most likely suggest ways for my friend to deal with or overcome their problem and help them follow these ways. I am not the best shoulder to cry on, but I'm good on a crisis. I am useful to my friends in my own way and they know I'm there for them if they need it. I'd like to empathise more, though...
I'm really good at getting at the core of people's problems because I am very intuitive. Even if I can not relate to what they are feeling, I can understand why they feel that way, and I will interfere on the matter myself if I judge that necessary. To each their own, yes, but I can't see my friend going through a hard time and not giving a helping hand, or at least telling them about my understandings and suggestions on their problem.

Do you enjoy sports?

I don't enjoy them in the sense of being passionate, but I do practice one or two sports I like just to keep healthy (or because I am told to do so). I might find some interesting, but I would not bring myself to practice them... or any at all, if I could.
I am very passionate about one or two sports I am a huge fan of, but besides them, I don't keep up with or really care for the sports world as a whole.
Yes! I like to practice and watch sports of all kinds. Even if I don't practice a certain modality myself, I do keep up with its teams and results. I find it really interesting and exciting, and on the top of all that, a good way to relax and take care of body and mind.
No, I don't keep up with sports and don't really care for them. I prefer dancing of all kinds as an exercise and hobby in general. Healthy, beautiful, and enoyable for those dancing... and those watching!

Out of these options, which one pisses you off the most?

When people go and try to see / discover / go over my personal stuff and life in general without my permission or supervision. That makes me feel very violated and anxious, even if I’m not keeping any secrets. I’m not paranoid, you’re just nosy!
When people raise their voice or are rude for no reason. I always try to be nice to everyone, but if you think being rude is “cool” or “edgy”, I lose my patience and will speak your own language back at you. I just don’t understand why someone would deliberately choose to be a dick!
When people try to get what’s mine, take me for granted or underestimate me. I hate it when my pride is hurt. I can’t stand it when people talk shit about me or the people that I love without knowing anything.
I find it unnerving when someone isn’t reliable or takes things seriously. Being always late for meetings, not listening to advice, keep insisting on the same error. Argh! I can’t stand selfishness and incompetence. I try to be as calm, giving and just as possible, but with this type of person it’s just so hard to keep my cool!

Imagine you come into a large amount of cash, after years of hard work, or an heritage. How do you manage your money?

I’ll buy some things I’ve always wanted right away and then keep the rest. I am responsible with my money, but I like to treat myself, my family and friends with beautiful things every so often.
Put it all in a bank account and keep it. I would buy and pay some things I need but I don’t have any particularly expensive wishes. I don’t like spending a lot of money, I’d rather keep it for emergencies and what I really need.
I’d use a large amount of the money to travel, and keep another amount that will suffice for me to live a comfortable life in which I can spoil myself sometimes.
No idea. Pay for my student loans, bills, buy something I really want and keep the rest. Spend it in little amounts so it’ll last for a long time. I’m a simple person with simple needs.

Are you popular?

I know a relatively big amount of people by name, for bad or for good, but we don’t really know each other or have a friendship. I have only a few close friends.
It depends, but I think so. I have a lot of acquaintances that enjoy my company, and a handful of good friends. I really like that. Even the people that don’t know me are nice to me, because I am nice to them, too.
Yes! I’m not even super close to everyone I know, but I like having a wild array of friends that I can spend time with. Having a lot of people with different interests is what makes life fun, after all. I have friends everywhere I go.
No, not really. You probably know me because of someone else I’m friends with, and I’m okay with that. I don’t want popularity. I’ve got one or two really close friends and that’s enough

You finally are rewarded and recognized after a long time working on a personal project. What is your attitude towards said situation?

Recieving this kind of feedback after all my hard work is expected and I deserve it. I'll take the glory and the spotlight, thank you very much. I will glady take everyone through my project's creation, so they can also enjoy the process. People knowing I'm the one who did it is very important, in my opinion. Mainly because it is very rare for me to be really commited to something, I do want a fair feedback to feel like it was worth it.
I'm happy about the project's perfect execution, above all else. I'm happier it'll be popular because of this rather than the fact I myself will be famous because of it. Of course, being recognized is a great bonus, but as long as my project's out there, achieving the effect I want it to have on the people and the world -- And allowing people to come up with their own ideas and interpretations -- I'm more than content!
I'll seldom take the spotlight and glory, I don't like this part as much. For me, more than the end product, the process of creating and putting my project together is what made it special. Other people enjoying it is really great, but I will always be somewhat bothered that they might not get the idea as well as I do, as, of course, the creator. But I believe once something is out, it is out. People will read it differently. I'm more than okay with observing the effects of my project from an outside perspective.
I'm so happy! I put my heart and soul into this project and I am willing to take everything (positive, at least) that comes with it. Feedback is really important because that's how I get motivated to do more and go further. My image being known along my project is also important because that will make me feel prouder of myself, and besides, I'd enjoy giving TED Talks and being on mainstream media to talk more about my project and reach larger audiences. Win win.

About your productiveness and preffered time of the day, pick the one that is the closest match.

I rise at the time my alarm clock is set to with no bigger problems. I am very productive during the day (morning-afternoon) and usually get all my chores done in a way that when it is evening, I have already finished everything. I use that free time to have fun, my hobbies or even doing more work if I think that's necessary.
When I can, I like to wake up early. I get all my chores done and/or exercise in that time, so that by midday at the very least I will already be free to enjoy my day as I please. I am very productive in the morning. I can sleep a bit more in the afternoon.
I like the afternoon, waking up very early is not my thing. If I could, I'd always wake up a little before or after lunchtime and only then be productive and do what I need to get done. I find the sunset hour specially relaxing for a bunch of reasons, and it helps me concentrate and be more creative.
I'm a night owl. My mind starts buzzing as soon as the sun is gone. I work better at night, and my creativity is always on peak when it's dusk. I can make it until dawn sometimes. If the sun is hiding, I'm out being productive. I can rest taking naps during the day-- what counts is that I get my work done, right?

Choose the quote you reckon fits you the best/ that you're the most attracted to.

"We're not on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves. But in doing that you save the world. The influence of a vital person vitalizes."
"Some people think that if their opponent plays a beautiful game, it's okay to lose. I don't. You have to be merciless."
"Don't ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance and my kindness for weakness."
"I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

Which scenario are you the most drawn to?

The tall, modern building with glass walls, in which a party is going on in its top floor. The green lights that dance from there illuminate the night of the city, and the floor shakes lightly along the bass of the music.
The historical town on the daytime, beige and white and gold. Old buildings, ruins and off the beaten track spots, each one with with unique stories that beg to be discovered.
That one big, sophiscated house on your neighborhood that is throwing a party. The people with their interesting clothes and stories to tell, their fancy cars parked outside, the balloon arch that covers the door on the outside.
The empty, silent beach with the seaside in a lukewarm weather, the sound of cutlery clicking from a nearby restaurant and the muffled laughs and conversations that come along with it.

How do you feel about tradition and rules?

I am aware of them. I understand they exist for a reason, but I am willing to go against them and disagree of them.
I think all rules are debatable and don’t necessary exist for a single reason. I can see the right and wrong side of all of them, because I always put things in perspectives that aren’t my own.

Insult yourself!

Flighty, capricious
Sensitive, insecure, coward
Needy, clingy, jealous
Arrogant, bossy
Bad sport, hot-headed
Pushy, presumptuous
Blunt, insentitive to others
Either unfocused or way too insistant

Compliment yourself!

Excellent people skills, showmanship
Disinhibition, eloquence
Bold, courageous, relaxed
Creative, original, innovative
Practical, feet-on-the-ground, good in a crisis
Aware of human causes, altruistic
Insightful, inspiring, intelligent
Aesthetically aware, in-the-moment, easygoing

A QUEST is a trip to accomplish a task-- the destination matters more than the trip. An ADVENTURE is a trip without a destination-- the surprises along the way matter the most. A JOURNEY is when the trip matters more than the destination-- the ways matter more than the end. Is life a quest, an adventure, or a journey?

Definitely a quest
Somewhat between an adventure and a journey
Life is a journey, period
For sure, an adventure

How do you think of the things you have done in your past?

They're embarrassing and I'd rather pretend they did not happen. However, those memories always come creeping back to me, one way or another.
I regret some of them because they still have consequences to this very day, as much as I try to get over them.
My actions were disgusting and I despise them now. In general, I think they shaped me into the person I have become-- a better one.
I find my naiveness back then to be funny. Some things I take with a grant of salt, but as a whole I think my past does not condemn me. I have made a lot of good choices as well.

How do you feel about surprises?

I find things such as surprise parties and gifts fairly enjoyable, mostly for the consideration and love that come with it. However, I do not enjoy all kinds of surprises. I like to plan my schedule ahead and stick to it-- if something gets in the way and requires a last minute change, I'll probably be annoyed for the most part.
I love surprises! I don't mind a change of plans, and when it's people that surprise me, it is always a bonus. I am good with improvising and exciting news are always welcome. My schedule can wait. After all, surprises are what make life worth it.
I'd rather stick to my plans because I am not quick reacting, and a slow planner. I can appreciate a kind gesture, but there is a reason why I don't leave my itinerary mostly up to chance. I will go along with it only if I am sure it won't cause problems.
Well, I love surprises, but only the good ones! I get stressed when something unexpectedly changes my schedule and previous plans. But if someone makes me a surprise party, you bet I am giving up on other things to enjoy it. These other things can be resolved later!

How honest are you with your own self? Do you stay true to yourself?

I lie to myself and second-guess quite often about my feelings. I am insecure about my actions, but that is a work in progress.
Very honest, I know what I want and what I need and the reasons behind it. I respect myself.
Not completely true, but more than I was some time ago, for sure. I am learning how to accept myself.
I know what I need and how I feel, but I keep it to myself and don't really act on all my feelings. I feel like I could improve.

How do you react during conflict?

I always try to be the bigger person.
I avoid it. I know I am right, either way. If I'm wrong, I'll let it slip away also.
I get stressed and cry. I tend to isolate.
I get anxious and stressed, I hate conflict. If I'm right or wrong doesn't matter, I will probably ask for pardon either way.

What do you fear?

That I will never be taken seriously. I'd hate to look like a joke forever. I hate to think that people think I'm shallow and my opinion doesn't count because I am foolish and not right for the job. I'd like to be treated better, and the sight of that getting worse makes me feel anxious.
That I will never be okay with myself. I am afraid that I will forever struggle to feel comfortable on my own skin and appreciate myself and what I do.
Becoming physically handiccaped. I am a very independent and active person, and nothing makes me more fearful than the thought of losing movement of any limb. I would hate to have to rely on those I love to, well, live.
Being alone. I built my life around making strong connections with people, understanding them, and helping them. Being alone -- worse, isolated -- terrifies me, because it means nothing I have ever done to people was worth it.

Who is your role model?

A family member
An artist/public figure
A close friend or somebody I know that is not directly related to me
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