What character of these multiverse follies would you be?

What character of these multiverse follies would you be?

Have you ever wondered what Marvel character you would be? If so, find out now!

Imagem de perfil user: Maria Eduarda Matos


1 - What would you do in a moment of tension?

1 - What would you do in a moment of tension?

Would cry
Would keep the posture
Would pray
Would trust yourself
would seek balance
2 - If you could choose, what would you choose?

2 - If you could choose, what would you choose?

Save your friends
Save yourself
Save your family
Save your material things
Saving people of importance (president, head of state)
3 - The world has been invaded, what do you do?

3 - The world has been invaded, what do you do?

Delay enemy attack
Build a strategy
Protect the population
Attack with everything you have
Carry the threat away
4 - You have the chance to see your past, you:

4 - You have the chance to see your past, you:

Accept without knowing what you will see
Accepts knowing that you will see your suffering
Accept to see the strength of your people in war
Accept and try to change it
You don't accept: "you can't play with the past".
5 - If you could choose one infinity gem, which one would you choose?

5 - If you could choose one infinity gem, which one would you choose?

Reality gem
Soul gem
Space gem
Mind jewel
Time gem
6 - Choose a power:

6 - Choose a power:

Super instinct
Super agility
Money, because money is the real power
7 - You were invited to visit a planet, which one would you visit?

7 - You were invited to visit a planet, which one would you visit?

Other Earth
Celestial Heliopolis
Would not accept
8 - You lost your powers, what will you do?

8 - You lost your powers, what will you do?

Study and get a job
Go to a quiet country
Return to your homeland and rest
Trying to get your powers back
Be a medical expert
9 - You woke up 5 years after the "bleep", what's the first thing you do?

9 - You woke up 5 years after the "bleep", what's the first thing you do?

Try to help those who are also coming back
Check your phone to see what happened
Go in search of your people
Go running to look for your family
Come back as if nothing had happened
10 - You have the chance to be with the person you love, but you think:

10 - You have the chance to be with the person you love, but you think:

Save the world is more important
Preventing "bleep" is more important
Prefer to take care of your people
Stay with the person without any hindrance
Try to distract yourself not to think about him/her
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