Which superhero would you be?
In a world plagued by uncertainty, conflict, and mounting challenges, superheroes have become more than just fictional characters — they’ve become cultural icons and symbols of hope. From the pages of comic books to the silver screens, these extraordinary beings have captured our imaginations and stirred our collective psyche, offering us a much-needed escape and a sense of reassurance in turbulent times. We need superheroes because they offer psychological refuge, inspiration, and a reminder of virtues and ideals.

How do you prefer to help others?
I face them with intelligence and strategy.
I use my strength and courage to overcome them.
I rely on my wisdom and knowledge to find a solution.
Which of these qualities do you value most in yourself?
Agility and adaptability.
Strength and bravery.
Intelligence and wisdom.
How do you prefer to help others?
By always being present and offering direct support.
By protecting them from dangers and threats.
By offering wise advice and magical solutions.
What is your approach to solving problems?
Think quickly and act with agility.
Face the problem head-on with strength.
Analyze all options and use specialized knowledge.
What motivates you to be a hero?
The responsibility to use my powers for good.
The desire to protect those I love.
The pursuit of knowledge and the protection of the universe.