What kind of friend are you?

What kind of friend are you?

Take the quiz and discover what kind of friend you are

Imagem de perfil user: Lídia Rocha Moraes
You were hanging out with some friends at a club. Then, when you walked to the restroom, you saw that your best friend’s boyfriend was kissing an unknown  woman. You decide to talk to your friend
about what you saw at the club. What do you tell her?

You were hanging out with some friends at a club. Then, when you walked to the restroom, you saw that your best friend’s boyfriend was kissing an unknown woman. You decide to talk to your friend about what you saw at the club. What do you tell her?

A. I saw your boyfriend at the club last weekend. I´m afraid he was cheating on you.
B. I saw your boyfriend hanging at the club last weekend. I was hunting for you to say hello, but I didn't find you.
C. I think I saw a guy who looks very much like your boyfriend at the club last weekend.
Your friend is down in the dumps. In a short period of time, his wife cheated him, he got divorced, he lost his job, his car broke down and
he found out someone skimmed his credit card. In order to help cheer him up, you invite him to go to a party, but he shows up looking extremely sloppy. What do you tell him?

Your friend is down in the dumps. In a short period of time, his wife cheated him, he got divorced, he lost his job, his car broke down and he found out someone skimmed his credit card. In order to help cheer him up, you invite him to go to a party, but he shows up looking extremely sloppy. What do you tell him?

A. Man, you are really out of the loop. When you left home tonight were you thinking you would get lucky?
B. Why don't we go to another place? I don't think this is as interesting as I people said it would be.
C. Let's have some fun. The most important thing is that you are here.
Your friend borrowed your credit card and promised to pay your credit card invoices back. However, he didn’t talk to you about the money yet. What do you do?

Your friend borrowed your credit card and promised to pay your credit card invoices back. However, he didn’t talk to you about the money yet. What do you do?

A. Call him and say: I was expecting you to give me the money three days ago.
B. You send a message, like: I paid the credit card bill this month. Maybe we can talk about the best day for you to hand me the money of this month installment.
C. You send a message, like: Hey, there! What is up? Give me a call later.
Your friend has just broken up with his boyfriend/girlfriend and is really sad. What do you do to help?

Your friend has just broken up with his boyfriend/girlfriend and is really sad. What do you do to help?

A. I jump into action, offering practical solutions for him/her to get better. Call him/her to go out and meet new people.
B. I provide emotional support, offering a listening ear and comforting words to help him/her feel understood. I wait for their time to go out.
C. I say it was a good thing that happened and I don't want to see more crying.
You and your friend had a big argument and disagreed on a topic. What do you do?

You and your friend had a big argument and disagreed on a topic. What do you do?

A. I don't want to talk to him/her anymore. I don't need people that think different from me. He'd better not talk to me again.
B. I try to analyse the sitation and let this argument go. People have different opinion. I call my friend to say this.
C. I was honest about my opinion and I'm not going to change it. I can let this argument go if he/she contacts me.
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