Which area do you fit into in biomedicine?
This vocational test aims to help you discover which area you best fit into in biomedicine.
When I imagine my life ten years from now, I see it like a pro:
Active in my community.
Very successful financially.
Fulfilled, doing the things I like.
Recognized and valued in the market.
Seriously, continuing my parents' work.
The professionals we most admire are those who:
They are successful and get rich with their work.
They are considered the best in their profession.
They are excellent and always carry out voluntary work.
Feel happy and fully satisfied with your work.
He is successful following the family's professional tradition.
When I'm introduced to someone, I usually talk about:
The funny stories of my childhood, my family and common friends.
Cars, trips and the trendy places I like to go to.
My interests and hobbies.
The problems that occur in politics and social inequalities.
Famous and important people I know.
Magazines and books are first and foremost:
Sources of information and knowledge on the subjects that interest me.
Sources of information that can help me achieve my goals.
References for me to be a conscious citizen.
A way to update myself so I can talk to friends.
A way to stay up to date with news and learn about people's lives.
If I were to work on vacation, I would choose an activity that:
It was well paid.
It was voluntary and with which I could help as many people as possible.
Put me in contact with successful people.
Allow me to do the things I enjoy most.
It could be done as a team.
The teacher who has influenced me the most to date is:
It helped me discover new interests and talents.
It helped me improve my interpersonal relationships.
It introduced me to a new and promising field of work.
It taught me to think critically.
He recognized me as one of the best.
When I refer to my family, I usually talk about:
The things we do together.
Your personal and economic achievements.
Its social origin and the pride I feel towards it.
The interesting side of my parents' profession.
The success they have achieved and the prestige they have.