Vocacional Quiz

Vocacional Quiz

A vocacional quiz to give you an idea of what you could do in your future career-wise by telling you what better suits your tastes and characteristics based on the 8 fields of knowledge determined by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.


My professional interrests are:

Being able to express myself artistically
Being able to help people
Improving the environment
To practice my mathematical and scientific knowledge
Studying human interactions with the world

How do you feel when you have to present in front of a croud?


What do would you rather do in your free time?

Read a history book
Practice my artistic skills
Plan my week
Enjoy nature
Have social interactions

A doctor asks you to help in an emergency procedure, you:

Say no, because you have no interest in that
Say no, but you still observe the procedure
Say yes, and do the best you can

Would you rather study about:

Earth's natural resources
How to treat illnesses
Microorganisms and different ecosystems
Logical reasoning and mathematical equasions
Human society and it's history
How to construct, maintain and improve different objects, structures and tactics
Public relations in the law, economy, journalism or TV
How to improve my creativity

Do you think you perform better in wich subject group?

Social (Portuguese, Philosophy, Sociology, History, Geography)
Biological (Biology)
Exacts (Math, Physics, Chemistry)
Other (Physical education, Arts)

Do you consider yourself:

Studious, I finish my work even when I don't feel like it
Dedicated enough, I don't go out of my way to get the best grades, but I'm not the worst
Work-shy, I have a hard time studying the old fashioned way
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