Which character are you?

Which character are you?


Imagem de perfil user: Laryssa Kajita
Laryssa Kajita

How skilled are you at disguising yourself?

I think I could fool most people.
I could pull off a pretty amazing disguise if I needed to.
I think it's likely that people would guess that it was me.
Why would I want to disguise myself?

How would you describe your friends?

I feel blessed to have the friends that I do.
I move around so much that it's hard to develop good relationships.
I don't have a lot of friends, but the ones I do have are pretty awesome.
My "friends" are pretty pathetic.

What motivates you the most?

Making a positive difference.
Helping out however I can.

How many tries does it take before you give up?

I keep going long after everyone else has given up.
I'm pretty used to being successful, so I'm not sure how I'd react to failure.
I'm usually looking for an alternative path right away.
I'll try a couple of creative solutions before I give up.

Would you consider yourself to be a charismatic person?

I'm actually pretty socially awkward.
I have my moments, I suppose.
I do tend to bring a smile to people's faces.
Absolutely, I'm the life of the party.

Do you like kids?

I am a kid.
Yuck, not at all.
I suppose it depends on the kid.
I love children.

Do you have anything that you do that helps you to think?

I do tend to mess with my hair while I'm thinking.
I prefer to be alone with my thoughts.
I find that a deadline improves my thinking.
I'd rather just act and leave the thinking to others.

Would you say that you're a lucky or an unlucky person?

I always seem to find the worst possible situation.
My life is challenging, but I still feel lucky in many ways.
Actually, I'm a very lucky person.
I always seem to land on my feet.

Which film genre best matches your personality?


Do you read a lot of books?

No, I don't read any books.
Yes, I love to read.
I prefer to listen to audiobooks.
I probably read more than most people.

Of the following, which career path is most appealing to you?


Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist?

I try to stay optimistic, but it can be hard in this world.
I'm a very pessimistic person.
Most people don't believe it, but I'm actually quite optimistic that things will work out.
I always look on the sunny side of things.

Do you enjoy cooking?

I can only cook a few basic things.
I love to cook.
I do my best, but I'm not that great.
No, I either eat out or someone else cooks for me.

How strong are you physically?

I'm a total beast.
I'm in okay shape.
Let's put it this way, I use my mind so I don't have to use my body.
I have to admit that I'm pretty weak.

Do you wear glasses?

Yes, I wear glasses.
No, I have perfect vision.
I wear contacts.
I might wear glasses, but they don't have any prescription in them.

Do you have a unique way of speaking?

No, I think I speak very normally.
I say a few things that give away that I'm not from around here.
Yeah, only a few people can figure out what I'm saying.
I can do a lot of accents if that's what you mean.
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