Which characters would you be in "The Picture of Dorian Gray"?

Which characters would you be in "The Picture of Dorian Gray"?

Find out through this personality test with 12 questions about you what character would you be in the book "The Picture of Dorian Gray".

Imagem de perfil user: DIEGO KODAMA GARCIA
If you had a holiday coming up, what are you likely to do?

If you had a holiday coming up, what are you likely to do?

I would spend the day painting my art work.
You would work to help your family.
I would enjoy life and find pleasure around the city.
I would stay at home alone doing nothing or meet with some friends.
What genre of music do you prefer?

What genre of music do you prefer?

Which of these would you want to work?

Which of these would you want to work?

An actor/actress, I want to show my acting skills.
I won't work, because I'm rich.
A painter, I wanna express my creativity.
As anything I want. I wanna enjoy the world.
If you were to be an animal from mythology, which one would you be?

If you were to be an animal from mythology, which one would you be?

A phoenix, they never get old.
A mermaid, they make the most beautiful music.
A dragon, a king of immense wealth.
I prefer to imagine a new one myself.
What are you looking for on a date?

What are you looking for on a date?

Someone who I want to spend all my time with.
No one, I just need myself.
I want someone beautiful and in love with me.
I want to date someone that likes me the way I am.
What is your favorite school subject between these?

What is your favorite school subject between these?

Which of these is the best season?

Which of these is the best season?

Summer, because it’s a nice time of the year to enjoy and travel around the world.
Spring, because its the most beautiful of them.
Autumn, because the fallen leaves are motivational.
Winter, because it’s nice to pass the day alone in house .
What kind of book do you prefer the most?

What kind of book do you prefer the most?

I don't read books.
What better defines you?

What better defines you?

A manipulative and profiteer person.
Cruel and narcissistic who just cares about yourself.
A shy person who cares about others.
Very kind and careful with everyone around you.
What is love for you?

What is love for you?

It's a useless feeling, only useful to reproduce the human race.
It's to like someone very dearly.
It's to be a friend for someone even if they don’t need you.
It's to let someone know even your deepest secrets.
What do you think is the best character between these?

What do you think is the best character between these?

Indiana Jones
The Godfather
Harry Potter
Dart Vader
What famous figure do you like the most?

What famous figure do you like the most?

Albert Einstein
William Shakespeare
Van Gogh
Elvis Presley
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