Which intelligence is your strength?
Tick the statement if you agree with it or if it is true about you. Discover which intelligence is your biggest strength.

Tick what is true about you.
I enjoy learning foreign languages.
Math is my favorite subject.
I prefer art classes to music classes.
I am good at sports.

Tick what is true about you.
I like to sing.
I have a lot of friends.
I prefer working alone to working in a group.
I like camping.

Tick what is true about you.
Writing stories or poetry is fun.
I have a good sense of direction.
I can play a musical instrument.
I know what makes me happy and what makes me sad.

Tick what is true about you.
I am interested in science.
I like dancing and performing.
I often help other people with their problems.
I enjoy playing with animals.

Tick what is true to you.
I like reading.
Solving logical puzzles is fun.
I know when a person sings well.
I work best in a group.

Tick what is true about you.
I am good at remembering faces.
I prefer playing sports to watching films.
I know my good and bad points.
I know the names of many plants.

Tick what is true about you.
I am good at explaining things.
I am good with numbers.
I never ask for advice.
I love walking in the park.

Tick what is true about you.
I enjoy making models.
I do exercise several times a week.
I remember songs easily.
Meeting new people is fun for me.