What is your ideal career choice?

What is your ideal career choice?

We will do JUSTICE for your future! :D

Imagem de perfil user: Mafalda Marques
What is the trait that stands out the most about you?

What is the trait that stands out the most about you?

Sense of humor
How well did you do in school?

How well did you do in school?

I work very hard to get good grades
Well...grades are just grades, i dont care very much
I am the class clown
Don't take the best grades but i want to do my best
How do you feel about sporting events?

How do you feel about sporting events?

I love sport events
Its a great place to meet different people
I prefer doing theoretical work
Its not bad but i rather be doing something more creative
What was your favourite class as a kid?

What was your favourite class as a kid?

Physical education
Art/music class
Something that involve talking and writing, like English
Biology and chemistry class
What topics you find more interesting?

What topics you find more interesting?

Engineering, studing the human body
Entertaining, put on a show
Exercising, do different sports
Write a book
What job you clearly don't imagine yourself doing?

What job you clearly don't imagine yourself doing?

Job were there is no space for creativity
A job were I can't be active
A job were i need to do a lot of calculations and search
A job were i cant discover new things and be in some what directly heplful to other people
Select the group of activities you would rather do in your free time:

Select the group of activities you would rather do in your free time:

Go for a run, practice a sport, watching my favourite sport club, do physical exercise
Read, participate in a social event, write, meet knew people, do some volunteer work
Draw, painting, take and editing pictures, play an instrument.arts
Your friends would describe as:

Your friends would describe as:

What of the follow things you can consider a goal to achieve in your career?

What of the follow things you can consider a goal to achieve in your career?

Discover new things
Do something unique nobody did before
Make a new score, break a record
Help improve society
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