About your teacher: me!

About your teacher: me!

Hello, student! Can you guess some information about me?? Let's see!

Imagem de perfil user: Learning English With Lu

At what time do I wake up?

I usually wake up at 08 AM.
I always wake up at 11 AM.
I never wake up at 1 PM.

How often do I drink coffee?

I sometimes drink coffee.
I never drink coffee.
I always drink coffe 08:30 AM.

How often do I have lunch at 12 PM?

I don't have time to have lunch, so I never know.
I usually have lunch at 12 PM.
I always have lunch at 12 PM with my mother.

How often do I sleep after lunch?

I usually sleep after lunch.
I always sleep after lunch.
I never sleep after lunch.

Do I study everyday?

I usually study.
I never study.
I always study.

How often do I practice English?


Do I watch TV series?

Yes, I always watch TV series before I go to bed.
No, I never watch TV series. I normally read.
I usually watch tv series, but I don't like.

How often do I ride my bike?

I usually ride my bike.
I never ride my bike.
I always ride my bike.
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