Acerte a música: Versão Linkin Park

Acerte a música: Versão Linkin Park

Será que você é realmente fã de Linkin Park? Será que você conhece acertar o nome de algumas músicas da banda Linkin Park?

Imagem de perfil user: Bia


Qual é? 

"Weep not for roads untraveled
Weep not for sights unseen.... "

Qual é? "Weep not for roads untraveled Weep not for sights unseen.... "

Roads Untraveled
Bleed it out
fighting myself
Qual é? 

"You say I can't understand
But you're not giving me a chance
When you leave me, where do you go? "

Qual é? "You say I can't understand But you're not giving me a chance When you leave me, where do you go? "

Talking to myself
Good Goodbye
Qual é? 

Who cares if one more light goes out? 
Well I do

Qual é? Who cares if one more light goes out? Well I do

One more light
Castle of glass
Fighting Myself
Pushing me away
Qual é? 

God save us everyone
Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?

Qual é? God save us everyone Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?

The Catalyst
One Step closer
Jornada del muerto
Qual é? 

Thinking everything's about me
Yeah, I drive myself crazy
'Cause I can’t escape the gravity

Qual é? Thinking everything's about me Yeah, I drive myself crazy 'Cause I can’t escape the gravity

Cure for the Itch
Nobody can save me
Lost in the echo
Qual é? 

Stared into this illusion
For answers yet to come
I chose a false solution
But nobody proved me wrong

Qual é? Stared into this illusion For answers yet to come I chose a false solution But nobody proved me wrong

Nobody can save Me
Battle Symphony
Leave out all the rest
Breaking The Habit
Qual é? 

Mama always told me don't you run
don't you run with scissors son you're gonna hurt someone
Mama told me look before you leap

Qual é? Mama always told me don't you run don't you run with scissors son you're gonna hurt someone Mama told me look before you leap

Waiting for the End
Sharp Edges
Qual é? 

I've got an aching head echoes and
buzzing noises I know the words we said but
wish i could've turned our voices down

Qual é? I've got an aching head echoes and buzzing noises I know the words we said but wish i could've turned our voices down

More the victim
Sorry for now
Qual é? 

But we both keep on waiting for 
something we won't find the light on
the horizon was brighter yesterday with shadows 
floating over the scars begin to fade

Qual é? But we both keep on waiting for something we won't find the light on the horizon was brighter yesterday with shadows floating over the scars begin to fade

Final Masquerade
In pieces
Burn It down
Qual é? 

I'm ridin' on the back of this pressure
Guessin' that it's better I can't keep myself together
Because all of this stress gave me somethin' to write on
The pain gave me somethin' I could set my sights on

Qual é? I'm ridin' on the back of this pressure Guessin' that it's better I can't keep myself together Because all of this stress gave me somethin' to write on The pain gave me somethin' I could set my sights on

Numb (feat Jay-Z)
Nobody's listening
Fighting Myself
Leave out all the rest
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