Classroom Routine

Classroom Routine

Let's learn more about our classroom routine!

Imagem de perfil user: Marianna La Vega
Marianna La Vega

How do you greet your teacher when you arrive to class?

Good morning, teacher!
I'm sorry, teacher!
Goodbye, teacher!
Thank you, teacher!

Choose the correct option that shows words for classroom objects.

A book, a chair, a videogame.
A desk, a notebook, a pencil.
A doll, a train, a ball.
A sofa, a desk, a board.

What is the correct way to ask for permission to speak during class?

Say "I want to speak".
Raise your hand and wait for your turn.
Say "excuse me" and don't wait for your turn.
Students are not allowed to speak during class.

What do you say if you want to go to the bathroom?

"Teacher, can I go to the bathroom?"
"Teacher, I'm going to the bathroom."
"Teacher, where is the bathroom?"
"Teacher, how is the bathroom?"

When the class ends, what do you say to your teacher and classmates?

"Goodbye! See you next classroom!"
"Have fun!"
"Hello! How are you?"
"Thank you!"
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