Complete a Música!🎵 (versão internacional)
Complete as letras de músicas famosas aqui nesse quiz!!!!

Complete a música "Shallow" da Lady Gaga e do Bradley Cooper: Tell me something, girl... (difícil)
Aren’t you tired trying to fill that void?
Are you happy in this modern world?

Complete a música "7 rings" de Ariana Grande: I want it, I got it, I want it, I got it... (médio)
You like my nails?
You like my hair?

Complete a música "Beggin" de Maneskin: I'm beggin', beggin' you... (médio)
So put your loving head out, darlin'
So put your loving hand out, darlin'

Complete a música "Blank Space" de Taylor Swift: Nice to meet you, where you been? I could show you incredible things... (difícil)
Magic, madness, heaven, sin
New money, suit and tie

Complete a música "Diamonds" de Rihanna: Shining bright like a diamond... (médio)
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
We're beautiful like stars in the sky

Complete a música "Talking To The Moon" de Bruno Mars: Talking to the moon (médio)
Try'na better you
Try'na get to you

Complete a música "Baby" de Justin Bieber: My first love broke my heart for the first time and I was like... (fácil)
Face, face, face, ooh bike
Baby, baby, baby, ooh like

Complete a música "Save Your Tears" de The Weeknd: Take me back 'cause I wanna stay save your tears for another... (difícil)
Save your tears for another say
Save your tears for another day

Complete a música "Please, Please, Please" de Sabrina Carpenter: Please, please, please don't prove I'm right... (fácil)
And me, me, me
And please, please, please

Complete a música " Perfect" de Ed Sheeran: Baby I'm, dancing in the dark... (difícil)
With you being in my arms
With you between my arms