Tente completar a letra dessas músicas de Beyoncé!

Tente completar a letra dessas músicas de Beyoncé!

A Beyoncé se tornou a artista com o maior número de Grammys na história, mas você conhece cada letrinha das músicas dela? Faça esse teste e tente completar a letra das músicas da Queen B!

Imagem de perfil user: Vitor Lima
Vitor Lima


"Such a funny thing for me to try to explain..."

"Such a funny thing for me to try to explain..."

How I’m feeling and my pride is the one to blame
Every time I close my eyes, it’s like nobody’s left but you and me
That I’m feeling you and my body doesn’t complain
"Ladies, let ‘em check up on it; watch it while he check up on it..."

"Ladies, let ‘em check up on it; watch it while he check up on it..."

Dip it, pop it, twerk it, stop it, check on me tonight
Dip it, cop it, never stop it, check on me tonight
You will never feel the same
You can make me say your name
"He said, I’m worth it, his one desire..."

"He said, I’m worth it, his one desire..."

I showed him things you wouldn't want to read about
I know things about him you wouldn't want to read about
Ran by the man but the women like the wind blow
"If I were a boy, I would turn off my phone..."

"If I were a boy, I would turn off my phone..."

Tell everyone it's broken; so they won't know I picked up someone
Tell everyone it’s broken; so they’d think that I was sleeping alone
Tell everyone it’s broken; so they’d think that I was sleeping alone
"Honey, honey, I can see the stars all the way from here..."

"Honey, honey, I can see the stars all the way from here..."

Can't you see the glow on the window pane?
The glow feels like a pop of champagne
Glowing like a bubbly champagne?
"Cigars on ice, cigars on ice..."

"Cigars on ice, cigars on ice..."

Feeling like an animal with these cameras all up in my grill
Feeling like an animal love all these cameras all up in my grill
Every light makes you feel the worst
"Drop the base, mane, the bass get lower..."

"Drop the base, mane, the bass get lower..."

Radio say speed it up, I just go slower
Shine the light on whatever's worse
Every light makes you feel the worst
"What's worse? Looking jealous or crazy? Jealous or crazy? ..."

"What's worse? Looking jealous or crazy? Jealous or crazy? ..."

Or like, being walked all over lately, walked all over lately
Or not having someone who will chase me, someone who will chase me
Or like, being treated like a baby, treated like a baby
"You’re so controlling you say that love me, but you don’t..."

"You’re so controlling you say that love me, but you don’t..."

Your mama told me one day I’d end up all on my own
Your boys they told me all day you’ve been creeping on the low
Your family told me one day I would see it on my own
"Listen, I am all alone at a crossroads..."

"Listen, I am all alone at a crossroads..."

I'm not at home in my own home
Yeah, blow your horn now; come on, yeah, blow your horn now
I need to roam from my own home
"I’ma be like a jolly rancher that you get from the corner store..."

"I’ma be like a jolly rancher that you get from the corner store..."

I'ma be like a waffle cone that's dripping down to the floor
I'ma be like a dancing queen reigning over the dance floor
I'ma be like a dust bunny sweep me up off the floor
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