Complete a música! (versão Melanie Martinez)

Complete a música! (versão Melanie Martinez)

Nesse quiz contém 3 músicas de cada álbum

1- Crybaby

''You're one of a kind and no one understands...''

1- Crybaby ''You're one of a kind and no one understands...''

''But this "Cry baby" tears coming back again and they call you cry baby...''
"Cry baby cry baby...''
''You'll just let them drown cry baby cry baby...''
''But those "Cry baby" tears keep coming back again''
''those "Cry baby" tears coming back...''
1- Crybaby

''Round and 'round like a horse on a carousel, we go
Will I catch up to love? ...''

1- Crybaby ''Round and 'round like a horse on a carousel, we go Will I catch up to love? ...''

''And there's no turning back now...''
''So high, too high at the carnival...''
''Where'd you go? Mr. Houdini, you're a freakshow! ''
''Chasing after you is like a fairytale...''
''I could never tell, I know...''
3- Crybaby

''Someone told me, stay away from things that aren't yours...''

3- Crybaby ''Someone told me, stay away from things that aren't yours...''

''So boy, just love me, down, down, down...''
''Tired, blue boy walks my way holding a girl's hand...''
''That basic bitch leaves finally? ...''
''And loving her seems tiring? ...''
''But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad? ...''
2- K-12

''The teachers don't care about me...''

2- K-12 ''The teachers don't care about me...''

''I'm chewing gum to pass this time of sadness...''
''They're the customer, I'm chopped meat...''
''Baby, can you meet me tonight in detention? ...''
''Fuck how I feel as long as I make money...''
''I wanna go home and you say, "Now is not the time...''
2- K-12

''She had a boy wrapped around her finger tight...''

2- K-12 ''She had a boy wrapped around her finger tight...''

''I fell in love with him, but he wasn't in my life...''
''Her face was fucked up and my hands were bloody...''
''Daddy chimed in, "Go for the throat" (Class fight)...''
''Should I give him away or feel this bad? ...''
''Daddy chimed in, "Go for the throat"...''
3- K-12

''Sittin' in my room, looking at all I've done...''

3- K-12 ''Sittin' in my room, looking at all I've done...''

''To tell you that you're fine with dollars in their eyes''
''Stressin' 'bout the voices screamin' inside my head''
''Bout the words she whispered while she brushed out my hair''
''Everything I wanted has come to fruition''
''Don't let them hurt you, baby''
1- Portals

''On a mission, learn and die, ooh yeah...''

1- Portals ''On a mission, learn and die, ooh yeah...''

''Merging spirit, mind, and body''
''and I know my brother''
''Conversations in the cosmos, yeah''
''In the womb, get me out now, safe, and I'm sound''
''I'm swimming through the flower no more, no more''
2- Portals

''No one here but me to judge me...''

2- Portals ''No one here but me to judge me...''

''Pipe down with the noise, I cannot bear my sorrow''
''Like a priest behind confession walls, I judge myself''
''And my mind wants to control me''
''Bloody, like a body that has died, and it's myself''
''And they seem so damn unhappy''
3- Portals

''Be the manic pixie dream girl that you fuckin' ought to be...''

3- Portals ''Be the manic pixie dream girl that you fuckin' ought to be...''

''Damaged oddity, bought by Sotheby's''
''I'm not fiction, I'm not fae, I won't lick your wounds today''
''Auctioned to a selfish man who thinks that he's the prophecy''
''You're in a spell, and it worked, and I'm returnin' the hurt''
''Your boyfriend tried me on, wore me out, made him cooler''
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