Você realmente conhece as músicas de Melanie Martinez do álbum Cry Baby?
Faça o teste e descubra o quanto você conhece as músicas de Melanie Martinez do álbum Cry Baby como um verdadeiro fã. Vamos lá, Baby!

"You've seemed to replace your brain with your heart You take things so hard and then you fall apart You try to explain, but before you can start...
...You told yourself that it's not you, it's them"
...It's where your feelings hide"
...Those cry baby tears come out of the dark"

"Mom, please wake up Dad's with a slut And your son is smoking cannabis...
...No one ever listens
This wallpaper glistens
Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen"
...No one ever listens
This wallpaper glistens
One day they'll see what goes down in the kitchen"
...She's got it going on
Ha, you're blinded by her jewelry"

"You got weights in your pockets when you go to the doctors...
...All the makeup in the world
won't make you less insecure"
...You call that ass your own, we call that silicone
Silly girl with silly boys"
...Your favorite candy's cotton
that's why all your teeth are rotten"

"Come, come one come all You must be this tall...
...We're a freak show"
...Oh come take my hand
And run through playland"
...To ride this ride, at the carnival"

"Apples aren't always an appropriate apologies Butterscotch and bubblegum drops are bittersweet to me...
...You won the spelling bee now
But are you smarter than me now?"
...You won the spelling bee now
But you're not my daddy and I'm not your dolly"
...You call me a child while you keep counting all your coins
But you're not my daddy and I'm not your dolly"

"Darling you're just soaking in it But I know you'll get out the minute You notice all your fingers purning up...
...uh-oh, there it goes, I said too much, it overflowed
Why do I always spill?"
...Should've never said the word "love"
Threw a toaster in the bathtub"
...I'm tired of being careful, tiptoe
trying to keep the water warm"

"My hand on your seat The whole way round I carry band-aids on me now...
...Wheels aren't even touching the ground"
...Scared to take them off but they're so warm now"
...For when your soft hands hit the jagged ground"

"Maybe if I knew all of them well I wouldn't have been trapped inside this hell that holds me...
...Maybe if I casted out a spell
But told them decorations were in pastel ribbons"
...Tell me why the hell no one is here
Tell me what to do to make it all feel better"
...But told them decorations were in pastel ribbons
Maybe if I casted out a spell"

"Rolling down your tinted window Driving next to me real slow, he said...
..."Let me take you for a joyride
I've got some candy for you inside""
...""I'll cut you up and make you dinner
You've reached the end, you are the winner""
...""I love it when I hear you breathing
I hope to God you're never leaving""

"Nine, ten Never want to see you again Eleven, twelve...
...Shit behind the curtain that I'm sick of sugarcoatin'"
...Do you like my cookies?
They're made just for you"
...Next time you're alone
Think fast when you grab the phone"

"I can't stand her whining Where's her binky now?...
....And loving her seems tiring
But was he yours if he wanted me so bad?"
...And loving her seems tiring
Someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours
But was he yours if he wanted me so bad?"
...And loving her seems tiring
So boy, just love me down, down, down"

"If you want a little more confidence Potatoes turn to french fries, yeah it's common sense...
...All you need's a couple more condiments"
...When little girls grow into their mothers face
But little girls are learning how to cut and paste"
...And a hundred thousand dollars for some compliments"

"Skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun Popping, popping balloons with guns Getting high off helium...
...Over the bend, entirely bonkers
You like me best when I'm off my rocker"
...This dream, dream is a killer
Getting drunk with the blue caterpillar"
...We paint white roses red
Each shade from a different person's head"