Sera que você Consegue acertar o nome das Musicas da melanie Martinez apenas Pela Letra?

Sera que você Consegue acertar o nome das Musicas da melanie Martinez apenas Pela Letra?

Sera que você é um Cry baby de Verdade?

Imagem de perfil user: Raphael Silva
Raphael Silva



And it's all fun and games 'till somebody falls in love But you already bought a ticket an there is no turning Back now

Pity Party

No one ever listens, this wallpaper glistens Don't Let them see what goes down in the kitchen

Alphabet Boy
Mrs.Potato Head

Can't you see? I only want the ones who never see me But I'm Happy I love Playing these games until my heart bleeds it Bleeds Jelly Cause you don't want someone to eat you cookie Can someone Please Find wim for me, Find him for me

Gingibread Man
Sippy cup

I look at you and I see Myself I Know you better than anyone else I Have same Faucet im my eyes So you tears are mine

Cry baby
Teddy Bear
Milk and Cookies

Kids Forever, Kids Forever Baby soft skin turns into leather Don't be Dramatic, it's only some Plastic No one will love you if you're unattractive

Pacific Her
Tag, you're it
Mrs.Potato Head
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