Complete as músicas da Melanie Martinez (fácil)💗🍼

Complete as músicas da Melanie Martinez (fácil)💗🍼

É simples, é literalmente só completar a música

Imagem de perfil user: ivy capy gacha
ivy capy gacha


Im frosting, i dont need Man to make my life sweet...

Im frosting, i dont need Man to make my life sweet...

Prince charming Just isn't The one that i think need
Is It true that pain is beauty
You never share your toys or communicate...

You never share your toys or communicate...

Im back from The dead
I guess i m Just a date to you
Im not to be forgotten...

Im not to be forgotten...

Trap your books when i Walk in
But i know people around you day
People gonna say...

People gonna say...

If you need a break Someone'll take your place
Am i Just a number
Hot like melting Ice cream...

Hot like melting Ice cream...

Tryna bring The mystical into The material bitch...
Look so good, yeah look so sweet
Your body is imporfectly perfect...
(Muito fácil)

Your body is imporfectly perfect... (Muito fácil)

Everyone wants what The other ones working on Orange juice
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