Melanie Martinez-complete a musica

Melanie Martinez-complete a musica

você é um verdadeiro fã de Melanie Martinez, então complete a musica.

Imagem de perfil user: Sofia Mendes
Sofia Mendes


Piggyback- Photographs, painting cartoons...

Piggyback- Photographs, painting cartoons...

That's all I want
That's all I know
 Teddy Bear-Everything was so sweet until you...

Teddy Bear-Everything was so sweet until you...

Tried to kill me
talk with me
Lie ti me
Mad Hatter-Where is my prescription?
Doctor, doctor please listen...

Mad Hatter-Where is my prescription? Doctor, doctor please listen...

My brain is scattered You can be Alice, I'll be the mad hatter
My brain is scattered you can be mad hatter I'll be the alice
Carousel-Come, come one, come all,
You must be this tall...

Carousel-Come, come one, come all, You must be this tall...

To ride this ride at the carnaval
To ride this ride at the carnival
Pacify her-Pacify her
She’s getting on my nerves You don’t love her...

Pacify her-Pacify her She’s getting on my nerves You don’t love her...

stop crying with those words
Stop lying with those words
Alphabet boy-Apples aren't an always appropriate apologies
Butterscotch and bubblegum drops are

Alphabet boy-Apples aren't an always appropriate apologies Butterscotch and bubblegum drops are

no matter it´s me
Bittersweet to me
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