Consegue Reconhecer uma musica do "Baby one more time" pela letra?

Consegue Reconhecer uma musica do "Baby one more time" pela letra?

O album menininha do milênio

Imagem de perfil user: Camilo Mendes
Camilo Mendes


"You don't have to say what's on your mind, 'cause I know where you've been"

"You don't have to say what's on your mind, 'cause I know where you've been"

Soda Pop
Baby one more time
I Will Be There
"Hope that you will wait for me, you'll see that you're the only one for me"

"Hope that you will wait for me, you'll see that you're the only one for me"

Born to make you happy
From the botton of my broken heart
"We must leave it behind in our heart in our mind. From April through September bittersweet was the love that we shared don't forget I remember "

"We must leave it behind in our heart in our mind. From April through September bittersweet was the love that we shared don't forget I remember "

Autumn Goodbye
I will still love you
Thinking about you
E-mail my heart
"Some people search, what seems to be a lifetime''

"Some people search, what seems to be a lifetime''

Deep in my heart
The beat goes on
I'll never stop loving you
"When you have reached the edge by far, history has turned the page by far"

"When you have reached the edge by far, history has turned the page by far"

The beat goes on
E-mail my heart
Soda pop
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