Você consegue reconhecer uma música do Britney Jean pelas letras?

Você consegue reconhecer uma música do Britney Jean pelas letras?

Você ouve bastante esse hinário injustiçado?

Imagem de perfil user: Camilo Mendes
Camilo Mendes
"Crossed through the universe to get where you are, travel the night riding on a shooting star"

"Crossed through the universe to get where you are, travel the night riding on a shooting star"

Work Bitch
Don't cry
Brightest morning star
"Remembering, I forever will surrendering, just to how we felt"

"Remembering, I forever will surrendering, just to how we felt"

Hold on tight
Tik tik boom
It should be easy
"Lived a wasteful life in a hateful city, the world's no love just pain and pity"

"Lived a wasteful life in a hateful city, the world's no love just pain and pity"

Now tha i foud you
Body ache
Don't cry
Chillin' with you
"Living my life coz I've got nothing to do when the tear falls"

"Living my life coz I've got nothing to do when the tear falls"

Hold on tight
Til it's gone
Brightest morning star
''Oh I hate myself, and I feel crazy, such a classic tale"

''Oh I hate myself, and I feel crazy, such a classic tale"

Work bitch
Til it's gone
Body ache
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