Do you think the robots can replace the humans

Do you think the robots can replace the humans

Entender se o ser humano pode ser substituído por um robô ou se podemos trabalhar com a tecnologia ao nosso favor

Imagem de perfil user: Pamella Rodrigues
Pamella Rodrigues



Robots can work non-stop because:

They do not feel tired
They need to rest like humans.

Robots are already used in medicine to:

Create new vaccines on their own, without human help.
Perform high-precision surgeries.

An advantage of robots in the job market is that:

They can perform repetitive tasks without errors.
They always make better decisions than humans.

Robots can replace humans in some professions, but not in:

Any profession, without exception.
Jobs that disable creativity and empathy.

Artificial intelligence can already:

Think and feel emotions like humans.
Create texts, music and images automatically.

Will robots be able to work as teachers in the future?

Yes, and humans will never need teachers again.
Yes, but they will still need human interaction to teach better.

Can robots completely replace doctors in the future?

Yes, and humans will never need to study medicine again.
No, because diagnoses still require human observation.

Robots are more efficient than humans in some tasks because:

They are more intelligent than any human being.
They can work non-stop and without making repetitive mistakes.

Autonomous cars (that drive themselves) are programmed to:

Drive in any way, without rules.
Follow traffic rules and avoid accidents.

An area that already uses robots to help with tasks is:

Industries and hospitals.
Professional football, replacing human players.
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