Have/Get + object + past participle

Have/Get + object + past participle

Train in a fun way. Good work!

Imagem de perfil user: Marisa Nogueira

Choose the right option: The government is going to have the consequences of overpopulation investigated.

The government is going to do the investigating.
The government is going to pay someone else to do the investigating.

Choose the right option: We got solar panels installed to save energy.

We paid someone to install the panels for us.
We installed the panels ourselves

Choose the right option: My watch doesn´t work and I do not know how to fix it.

I will have my watch repaired.
I will repair my watch.

Choose the right option: I hate to see the windows with dust. I don't have much money to pay for a cleaner

I have my windows cleaned eve.
I clean my windows eve.

Choose the right option: We will hire someone to create a recycling publicity campaign.

We will create a recycling publicity campaign.
We will have an adversiting firm to create a recycling publicity campaign.
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