Identity Security Essentials Study Guide

Identity Security Essentials Study Guide

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. In September 2023, the name of the Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials exam and courseware was changed to Identity Security Essentials. Guide revised: 13 October 2023

Imagem de perfil user: Jefferson Frazão
Jefferson Frazão



1. Which of these must a RADIUS client have in order to connect to a RADIUS server? (Select two.)

b. The public key of the RADIUS server
e. The administrator account credentials on the RADIUS server
d. The certificate of the RADIUS server
a. The correct IP address known to the RADIUS server, c. The shared secret configured on the RADIUS server

2. How do you specify the domain example.local in an LDAP query? (Select one.)

d. ou=example,ou=local
b. dc=example,ou=local
a. ou=example,dc=local
c. dc=example,dc=local
e. ou="example.local"

3. Which of these authentication factors is the least secure for MFA? (Select one.)

c. QR code
b. Software token
a. Hardware toke
d. Push notification
e. One-time password

4. You can install the Logon app on which of the following operating systems? (Select two.)

a. Windows 10/11 b. macOS
c. Linux
f. Windows 7
d. iOS
e. Android

5. You must install the AuthPoint Gateway on an existing RADIUS or LDAP server.

b. False
a. True

6. On the AuthPoint Users page, what does the yellow dot next to a user name indicate? (Select one.)

c. The user account is quarantined.
a. The user account is locked.
b. The user account is blocked.
e. The user account is not yet activated.
d. The user forgot their token.

The AuthPoint Gateway functions as both __________ and __________? (Select two.)

c. a RADIUS client
b. an LDAP server
a. an LDAP client d. a RADIUS server

8. Where in the AuthPoint management UI do you configure the query AuthPoint uses to synchronize users from an LDAP server? (Select one.)

e. General > Settings
d. General > Download
c. Management > Gateway
a. Management > Resources
b. Management > External Identities

9. AuthPoint only imports LDAP users that have an email address.

a. True
b. False

10. Where do you specify the allowed authentication methods for a resource? (Select one.)

a. In the resource configuration
e. In the Idl resource
d. In the policy object configuration
b. In the authentication policy configuration
c. In the user configurationP porta
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