immediate future

immediate future

exemplos: He is going to work: He's going to work They are going to work: They're going to work We are going to work: We're going to work

Imagem de perfil user: Sarah Kethly

Sarah Kethly


Escolha a alternativa CORRETA: A: Why are they still here? B: They ___________ the beach anymore because it will rain.

are going to
will go to
will not go to
are not going to

Complete com ´II ou GOING TO: Alex: I don´t know how to use this cell phone. Bob: It´s easy. I ______ show you.

going to

Complete: How long _____ you ______ to stay in L.A?

do - going
is - going
are - going

Em qual das alternativas seria correto usar o going to?

We _________ buy the book tomorrow.
I ________ to school every day.
Tom _______ played yesterday.
You always ________ cry when is sad.

Marque a opção em que o Immediate Future está empregado de forma incorreta:

I going to my grandmothers´house tomorrow.
They are going to see a movie next saturday.
Are you going to study for the test?
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