O uso do going to no futuro

O uso do going to no futuro

Trabalho de inglês – Laura Peniche – Diego Afonso – Raul Avante

Imagem de perfil user: Laura Peniche
Laura Peniche


Complete the sentence:
I_________ travel by a plane this weekend

Complete the sentence: I_________ travel by a plane this weekend

are going to
is going
am going to

Choose the correct sentence:

We's going arrive late
We're go to arrive late
We're not going to arrive late
Complete the sentence:
She________ice scream today.

Complete the sentence: She________ice scream today.

is going to eat
is going to ate
going eat
Choose the correct sentence:

Choose the correct sentence:

He's going see a movie with her
He're going to see a movie with her
He's going to see a movie with her.
Complete the sentence:
My mom_________prepare the dinner

Complete the sentence: My mom_________prepare the dinner

is going to
are go
is going
Choose the correct sentence:

Choose the correct sentence:

He's go playing soccer with him friends
He's going to play soccer with him friends
He're going to played soccer with him friends
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