Perguntas sobre Going to

Perguntas sobre Going to

Pequeno quiz sobre o assunto going to (inglês)

Imagem de perfil user: Lorena Fonseca
Lorena Fonseca
I'm _________ next weekend (escrita)

I'm _________ next weekend (escrita)

Going to haver a party
Didn't going to haver a party
Gonna have a party
I am___________

I am___________

Going to watch a game in april 15th
Going to watch a game in march 15th
Going to watch a movie in april 15st
We are_______

We are_______

Going to have a pool party tomorow
Gonna had a pool party tomorow
Going to have a pool party yesterday
Is he can going to have a pool party?

Is he can going to have a pool party?

No, he can't going to have a pool party
No, he can
Yes,he can have a pool party
I'm __________ with my friend (fala)

I'm __________ with my friend (fala)

Going to play videogame
Gonna play a game
Played a game
They're going to...

They're going to...

Didn't study
_____________ teach math?

_____________ teach math?

She's going to...
Is she going to....
He's gonna...

What are they going to do?

She's going to play tennis
She's going to play tennis
They're going to play tennis
They're going to play tennis
We're going to play soccer
We're going to play soccer
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