jogo do going to

jogo do going to

choose the right questions

Imagem de perfil user: derick



choose the right question

how long is you going to stay in l.a
how long going you is to stay in L.A
how long are you going to stay in L.A

choose the right question

what are we going to give sally on her birthday
what is we going to give sally on her birthday
what going we is tô give sally on her birthday

choose the right question

Are you going to come to the game with us tonight?
Are you to going come to the game with us tonight
Are you going come to the game with US tonight

choose the right question

What are you going to do tonight?
What are you to going do tonight?
What are you going do tonight

choose the right question

What are you going to do tomorrow?
What are you going do tomorrow?
What are you to going do tomorrow?
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