Let's test your skills while traveling

Let's test your skills while traveling

In this test, you must choose the correct expression regarding travel questions...

Imagem de perfil user: Erick Messias
Erick Messias



I visited Italy but unfortunately the coliseum was closed, it was a really _________.

Piece of cake
Dog day

I didn't buy the Iphone 15 Pro Max during my business trip to the US because of the_____________.

Pull Iphone leg
cost and arm and a leg

When I was in the airport of Madrid, I ____________ to ask her the correct time of my flight.

hit the sack
pull the airport attendant leg

My wife planed a surprise for me, and I'm looking forward to know where we are gonna go in our next trip, so I sad: ____________ and tell me where will be our next travel.

break a leg
spill the beans

To speak in english during a travel to USA is a __________ for me that studied for 3 years with the best Teacher Leandrinho.

Dog day
Piece of cake

I lost my tickets flights, but they were in one of my wallets, when I first found them, my wife said__________.

you beak a leg
You hitted the nail on the head

I called to my mother before my europe trip, and she sad me: _________.

have a dog day
break a leg

after a long day of shopping in miami, I said to my wife: let's go __________.

spill the beans
hit the sack
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