Mendix (Intermediate and Advanced) pt 1

Mendix (Intermediate and Advanced) pt 1

Compilado de questões dos Learning Paths de nivel intermediário e avançado.

Imagem de perfil user: Iago Ramos

Iago Ramos


Which security level must be active to deploy an application to the test environment of a licensed node in the Mendix cloud?

Production security
App Security
Prototype/demo Security

What effect does security have on the navigation of the application?

The visibility of menu items is affected by Page and Microflow security
The visibility of menu items is not affected by security
The visibility of menu items is affected by entity security
With security enabled, only administrators can see menu items

Why can you define security settings on both project and module level?

It allows for a better overview.
It makes it easy to reuse modules.
It makes the application more secure.
It is a W3C standard to separate project and module security.

A user role must have one or more module roles in every module


Which is NOT a level of app security?


When should you configure security in your app development?

When the security user story is complete
When deploying to production
As soon as possible
Just before user testing

Entity access is set at which security level?


What is the name for app level security profiles?

User roles
Administration roles
Profile roles
Security roles

Does Mendix allow anonymous users?


Consider a situation in which there is an entity called Request with an attribute status that has three values: Draft, Submitted, and Approved. There are three user roles: Administrator, Customer, and Employee. The Customer user role is granted the Customer module role. The only access rule configured is read/write access for the Customer with the XPath [Status = Draft] applied. What would a user with the Customer user role see on a page with a data grid without any additional XPath constraints?

All the requests.
All the results, but read-only access for non-draft requests.
All the requests in the Draft status.
No results would be returned.

Consider the exact same situation as the previous question. What would Admin users see?

All requests in the Draft status.
All the requests.
All the results, but read-only for non-draft requests.
No results would be returned.

Consider the same situation again. What would happen if you granted Admin users access to a page with the Request entity in Studio Pro?

Studio Pro would detect an error and prevent a deployment.
Users would see no error message, but Security errors would appear in the logs.
Admin users would be able to view the page.
Admin users would see an error pop-up window when attempting to access the page.

How does the platform use entity access XPaths to enforce security?

The business server interprets the XPaths to prevent sensitive data from entering the system memory.
The XPaths are added to all the relevant database retrieves.
The user's browser translates the XPaths to show or hide action buttons.
All of these answer options are correct.

Where are entity access restrictions applied?

On relevant database retrieves.
On every microflow.
On every page.
All of these answer options are correct.

Which of the following best describes how the Mendix platform applies entity access?

The platform only grants the access explicitly defined in the entity access rules.
The platform grants read access to all attributes, but write access must be explicitly specified.
The platform assumes access is granted until it is explicitly removed.
The platform grants read/write access to all Admin users.
In this domain model, assume that House is a specialization of Building:

In this domain model, assume that House is a specialization of Building:

Admin users will never be able to write to the SquareFoot attribute, but they will be able to write to the Bedrooms attribute.
Since House is a specialization of Building, an Admin will be able to read and write the SquareFoot in data views containing both Buildings and Houses.
Admin users will be able to read the SquareFoot attribute in data views for Buildings and read and write in data views for Houses.

Referring to the same domain model as was used in previous question, if we create a page with a data grid containing Houses and autogenerate a House_NewEdit page, which of the following statements is FALSE for an Admin user?

Admin users will not see the SquareFoot attribute in the Edit page.
Admin users will be able to read the SquareFoot attribute.
Admin users will be able to edit the SquareFoot attribute.
Admin users will not be able to create new Houses or delete existing Houses using the default buttons in the control bar of the data grid.

Why is it more secure to add security rules on the entity level?

Entity level security secures each entity throughout the application.
Entity level restrictions affect what the end-users will see.
Users will not see entities to which they have no access.
Entity level restrictions are applied at the database level and are thus automatically applied throughout the application.

For the following questions, assume there is an app with three user roles: Administrator, Teacher, and Student. Administrators are granted the ability to manage all user roles, and Teachers can manage users with the Student role. Which of the following statements is false?

Administrators will be able to create and delete accounts for all students and teachers.
Administrators and teachers can create teacher accounts.
Teachers and administrators are able to edit the details of student accounts.
Administrators are able to create other administrator accounts.

Let's say you want Teachers to be able to manage accounts for Students, but only the Students who are in their class. So, you grant Teachers the ability to manage users with the Student role in the app security menu. Will this be sufficient?

No, because only Admins should have the ability to edit accounts.
Yes, because now Teachers can edit the account details of the Students.
No, because teachers will have the ability to edit the accounts of any Student, not just their own.
Yes, because Accounts are a specialization of the User entity.

What is a benefit of assigning only one user role to each user?

It requires users to create a new account if they need to change roles.
Better representation of business specific processes.
It is inherently more secure.

The value 1.23 could be stored in an attribute of the type:


The attribute type Enumeration is used to store:

A whole number that can only be positive
A positive or negative number
Automatically generated positive or negative whole number
A list of predefined values

A connection between two entities in Mendix is called:

An association
An attribute
A relationship
An intersection

Which name should you use for an entity representing a maintenance report?

Maintenance Report

Where do you configure validation rules?

In the entity properties
At app level
In the validation overview of the module
In the association properties

What do validation rules apply to?

Attributes and associations

What would be a best practice when deleting a Location? On delete of ‘Location’ object:

Delete ‘Location’ objects only if it is not associated with ‘TrainingEvent’ objects
Delete ‘TrainingEvent’ objects
Keep ‘TrainingEvent’ objects

When deleting a Trainee, you want all the Registrations of this Trainee to be deleted as well. What is that delete behavior called?

Delete associated objects
Cascading delete
Automatic delete
Prevention of delete

Which technique does Mendix use to convert data between the runtime and the database?

Extract Transform Load
Object Retrieval Mechanism
Common Object Request Broker Architecture
Object Relational Mapping

Which of the following is supported by persistent and non-persistent entities?

Event handlers
Database queries

How does Mendix implement inheritance?

Object Relational Mapping
Class Table Inheritance
Single Table Inheritance

How does Mendix store associations?

Foreign key constraints
In entities
Depending on the relationship
In link tables exclusively

Which of the following can NOT be configured in the properties of an entity?

Sort order

What is another way of calling an association?


How many associations can you add between two entities?

Many associations of various multiplicity.
Multiple One-to-One associations.
Only one association.
Two associations, one from each entity.

What is a good reason to choose to use an Information Entity instead of multiple associations?

You want to display additional information about an association.
You want clear Entity names.
You want it to be clear that only one object can have a specific qualification.
You want to optimize the app’s performance.

Which of the event handlers does always need to return a boolean return value?

The after create.
The before commit.
Both the before commit and after create.
Not the before commit and after create.

Where do you define the "persistable" property of an entity?

In the Microflow
In the page property
In the widget property
In the domain model

For which of the following entity types does Mendix create a database table?

For non-persistable entity
For both persistable and non-persistable
For none of them
For persistable entity

What happens on commit of a non-persistable entity?

It's not possible to commit a non-persistable entity
Current attributes are stored in the database and associations are stored in memory.
Current attributes and association values are stored in the database.
Current attribute values and association values are stored in memory.

What would be a good situation to use a calculated attribute?

When a value is viewed more often than it changes
When a value changes more often than it is viewed
It is generally preferable to use a calculated attribute
You should avoid using calculated attributes at all costs

When connecting 2 entities of 2 different modules how do we typically call that association?

Cross-reference association
Bi-module association
Cross-module association
Cross-functional association

You connected two entities by a cross-module association. You want Studio Pro to take you to the associated entity in the other module - which option do you need to choose when you right click the association?

Go to the other side
Go to the other module
Go to the other domain model
Go to the associated entity

Which of the following options list system members that can be stored as indicated in the properties of an entity?

Created Date, Modified Date, Creator, ModifiedBy
Created Date, Altered Date, Initiator, ChangedBy
Created Date, Changed Date, Owner, ChangedBy
Created Date, Shifted Date, Originator, ModifiedBy

Which of the following terms is used to indicate a user that created the object of the given entity?


Inheritance is used to:

Inherit the structure and behavior of an entity, so that all specializations can be used individually within the same process.
Keep your domain model maintainable by inheriting the attributes and associations.
Inherit the history of an entity.
Reuse attributes of an entity on other entities, so that you don’t need to add and maintain them multiple times.

What is the result of generalizing the Player entity by the Person entity?

A single table containing the Player and Person attributes
A single link table to store the ID’s of inherited objects
Three tables, one per entity plus a join table
Two tables, one per entity

What will happen to the ID’s after generalizing the Player and Staff entities by the Person entity?

The ID of the Person part of a Player or Staff will differ from the specialization part.
The ID’s of Player and Staff will keep their own set and sequence and will equal the ID in the Person table.
Same set and sequence for Player and Staff, the ID of person will differ.
There are no changes to the ID’s when inheriting.

Which statement is correct?

A 1-1 association is a HAS and inheritance is an IS type of relation.
A 1-1 association is an IS and inheritance is an HAS type of relation.
A 1-1 association and inheritance are both an IS type of relation.
A 1-1 association and inheritance are both an HAS type of relation.

Why is it a best practice to create a specialization of the FileDocument and Image entities?

It is a UML standard.
It is visually a better representation of the use case.
It allows for better security and property configuration based on purpose.
Otherwise you cannot store a file on an Amazon server.

What is the default value of the attribute DeleteAfterDownload?


Where are the file(s) or image(s) stored by default?

On a dedicated Amazon file server
As binary in the contents of an attribute
On the local drive of the user
On the file server located on the application server

When it is better to place Indexes?

If you expect it might improve performance.
If there are more Read than Write actions.
If there are more Write than Read actions.
If a user starts complaining.

What happens when you apply an index?

The speed of Write actions will increase.
The speed of Update and Inserts will increase.
The speed of Read actions will decrease.
The speed of Read actions will increase.

The app performance is affected by a reference set (both) because:

There is no impact on performance, this depends only on how the association is queried.
You cannot store additional information in a reference set (both).
Both entities needs to be joined with the reference table and data transfer increases.
The join table must be queried as well.

What type of domain model changes can have an impact on the data in the database?

Domain model changes and Type changes
Structural changes and Project changes
Type changes and Structural changes
Module changes and Project changes

Why is it a best practice to redeploy your app after cleaning up the model?

You might be confronted with unexpected and/or complex sync behavior during a next deployment.
It has always been done this way. Legacy support.
Obsolete data in the database cannot have security applied and thus creates a security breach.
It is not considered a best practice; only junior developers benefit from it.

When localize is set to No, the date displayed in the client is based on the:

App time zone
Client time zone
User time zone
UTC value

Localizing a DateTime attribute has an effect on:

Neither client nor application server
Application server handling
Both client and application server
Client representation

If both the App and User time zones are set, the value of the localized DateTime attribute displayed in the client depends on:

The Client time zone
The User time zone
The App time zone
The UTC value

Jane in the Amsterdam time zone [UTC +2] selects 07/11/2020 in a date picker for a non-localized attribute. What will be the value stored in the database?

07/10/2020 10:00 PM
07/11/2020 02:00 AM
07/11/2020 12:00 AM
07/11/2020 12:00 PM

Nick in the Amsterdam time zone [UTC +2] selects 07/11/2020 in a date picker for a non-localized attribute. What will be the date value if Nick converts it to a string in a microflow using formatDateTime?

07/10/2020 10:00 PM
07/11/2020 12:00 AM
07/11/2020 12:00 PM
07/11/2020 02:00 AM

You can create a new app from the Mendix Developer Portal.


If a Scrum team gets stuck, because of things that are out of their control, who is responsible to remove those impediments?

The Product Owner
The Project Manager
The Development Team
Scrum Master

How many default App Team roles are there?


A critical success factor for companies working with Mendix is:

Implementing the waterfall project management approach
Working individually on projects depending on expertise
Knowing object- oriented programming
Working in small cross-functional teams

What are microflows?

A way to describe the whole application process flow
The custom logic of a Mendix application
Small development processes
A data model of the app

What are three microflow components?

Activity, End event, Decision table
Activity, Decision table, Parameter
Decision table, Exclusive merge, End event
Activity, End event, Parameter

How many start events can a microflow have?

This depends on the number of input parameters
This depends on the trigger of the microflow

Microflows can be triggered by:

Entity event, Action button, Default button
Default button, Navigation layout, Widget event
Widget event, Action button, Default button
Entity event, Action button, Widget event

What does nested data accomplish?

It is not necessary, but shows other developers that the inner data is unique.
It constrains the data in one widget in the context of the other.
It prevents the inner data from being edited by the wrong people.
It allows access to many-to-many associations.

How do you nest data?

By configuring the data source of a list view to use the correct security rule.
By placing a data view within a list view.
By placing a list view within a data view.
By placing a list view inside a tab container.

In the retrieve action, when do you use the option “by association”?

Always when you want to retrieve an associated object.
When you want to retrieve the associated object from memory.
When you want to retrieve the association of an object.
Only when you want to retrieve an associated list.

Which statement is true?

Microflow expressions are used to define a query to the database.
Microflow expressions are used to document the microflow actions.
Microflow expressions are used to express the flow of a microflow.
Microflow expressions are used to change, check, and extract data from available values.

Which activity is used to change the value of an attribute?

Change object
Change variable
Change attribute
Change value

Within the expression addDays(Date and time, Integer/Long), what does 'Date and time' represent?

Data type

Which keyboard shortcut provides you with a set of available variables, functions and tokens within the expression editor?


Which members of an object available in a microflow are considered to be in the scope of that microflow?

Attributes of the entity
Attributes and all entities accessible via association
Associations of the entity
Attributes and associations of the entity

You would like to add 2 new attributes to an entity. Attribute A will be changed more often than viewed and attribute B will be viewed more often than changed. Which types should they be?

A – stored, B – calculated
A - calculated, B – stored
Both stored
Both calculated

If a microflow encounters an error, what happens to data that was changed earlier in the flow?

It is rolled back
It is deleted
It is locked until the microflow reruns successfully
It is committed

Which of the following is NOT an element of a microflow?

End Event
Decision Flow

You can only have one end point in a microflow.


What is the correct naming format of a microflow?

Standard IT naming conventions

Which activity allows a rule to be used?

Change variable
Validation feedback

What is the easiest way to collect feedback from users from within your app?

Provide a Contact Us link in your app.
Make a page that allows users to write and submit feedback.
Feedback functionality is automatically included in all Mendix apps.
Use the Feedback widget.

Where is page access configured?

The domain model
Module Security
App Security
Within pages

What would be a reasonable validation rule to use for AllowedNumberOfVisitorsPerDay?

Range <= 1000
Regular Expression: numeric characters only
Maximum length: 20

How can you easily manage accounts for your app?

Connect navigation to the built-in Account_Overview page
Edit the database manually
Make login and account management pages.
Always log in as a superuser.

Is it possible limit an entity to only one object?

Yes, through a Microflow
Yes, through the Module Security
No, this is not possible
Yes, through the Entity Properties

What is a limitation of a sub-microflow compared to a regular microflow?

Branching is not possible.
You have a smaller selection of activities.
A sub-microflow may only return a Boolean.
None. Sub-microflows are equally capable.

What main benefit do sub-microflows offer?

Increased logical capability
Better maintainability
Improved performance
Smaller memory usage

If you want to leave notes for future developers (or yourself) in a microflow, what can you use?

Sticky notes

What is a limitation of a rule compared to a microflow?

Branching is not possible.
You have a smaller selection of activities.
A rule may only return a Boolean.
None. Rules are equally capable.

You’ve replaced a microflow with newer functionality and want to test it. However, you don’t want to delete the old microflow permanently in case something goes wrong. How can you do this?

Exclude it from the project.
Rename it.
Deactivate it.
Soft delete to the recycle bin and restore later.

How can you allow users to access parts of an app (like a login page) without needing to log in?

Set up anonymous users.
Set account security accordingly.
Set up trial users.
Relax security for whichever pages need to be accessed.

In a microflow, what is a token?

A value determining how many sub-microflows may be called in the current microflow.
A placeholder variable defined by the developer.
A hash string used in user account validation.
A system-generated value.

In a microflow expression, “toUpperCase” is an example of what?

A function
A cast
An operation
A string transform

In a microflow, what would be an example of a variable?


You need to debug a microflow in production but don’t want to impact your users. How can you trigger debugging only when you personally are running the microflow?

Set a breakpoint condition.
Add a decision to the microflow.
Write a microflow expression.
Adjust security accordingly.
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