O quanto você conhece as músicas do Shawn Mendes?

O quanto você conhece as músicas do Shawn Mendes?

No quiz te daremos as letras das músicas e você terá que saber que música é.

Imagem de perfil user: Sophia Machado
Sophia Machado


"I think about her and she knows it
I wanna let her take control"

"I think about her and she knows it I wanna let her take control"

Treat You Better
There's Nothing Holdin Me Back
"But darling don't you know that
I'm the only one for you
And I don't wanna, I don't wanna ruin your happiness, baby
But darling don't you know that"

"But darling don't you know that I'm the only one for you And I don't wanna, I don't wanna ruin your happiness, baby But darling don't you know that"

"We'll play the songs we used to love
While we try to fall in love again
We don't know who's wrong or right
We don't even care enough to fight"

"We'll play the songs we used to love While we try to fall in love again We don't know who's wrong or right We don't even care enough to fight"

Three Empty Words
Don't Be a Fool
"But you want me to stay
And you tell me that you needed time but you
You push me away"

"But you want me to stay And you tell me that you needed time but you You push me away"

The Weight
Hold On
"Your lips are talking when we don't speak
And I never wanna leave this
Cause there's so much left to see"

"Your lips are talking when we don't speak And I never wanna leave this Cause there's so much left to see"

Lights On
Kid in Love
"They don't know what you've been through
Trust me
I could be the one that treat you like a lady
Let me see what's underneath
All I need is you"

"They don't know what you've been through Trust me I could be the one that treat you like a lady Let me see what's underneath All I need is you"

Bad Reputation
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