Tente adivinhar qual é a música do Shawn Mendes por um trecho

Tente adivinhar qual é a música do Shawn Mendes por um trecho

Quer provar que você é ume verdadeire fã do Shawn Mendes? Então faça o quiz e descubra!

Imagem de perfil user: Purebreak Brasil
Purebreak Brasil



"Oh, you lured me in I couldn't sense the pain"

"Because I Had You"
"Look Up At The Stars"

"Spill my words and tear me down until there's nothin' left"

"Bad Reputation"
"I Know What You Did Last Summer"
"Lost In Japan"

"But darling don't you know that I'm the only one? Yeah"

"Where Were You In The Morning? "
"Never Be Alone"
"Always Been You"

"Thought I knew just what I wanted I didn't know myself at all"

"Teach Me How To Love"
"Because I Had You"
"Fallin'n All In You"
"A Little Too Much"

"I need somebody now / Someone to help me out"

"Treat You Better"
"It'll Be Okay"
"Summer Of Love"
"In My Blood"

"I'm in Toronto and I got this view / But I might as well be in a hotel room, yeah"

"Lost In Japan"
"If I Can't Have You"
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