Passive Voice exercises.

Passive Voice exercises.

Change the phrases to passive voice.

Imagem de perfil user: Julia Constâncio
Julia Constâncio



1- Someone asked me to repair the window. – Simple past

Someone has asked me to repair the window.
I was asked to repair the window
I have been asked to repair the window.

2- People speak English here. – Simple Present

English is being spoken here.
People are speaking English here.
English is spoken here

3- The family has taken the dog to the vet.

The family was taking the dog to the vet
The family is taking the dog to the vet.
The dog has been taken to the vet

4- Two people will finish the work. – Simple future

Two people have finished the work.
Two people were finishing the work.
The work will be finished by two

5-Maria organized the company party - Past Continuous

The company party was organized by Maria
Maria has organized the company party
The company party has been organized by Maria.

6- The film had already started when we arrived - Past Perfect

The film is already being started when we arrive.
The film is already starting when we arrive.
When we arrived the film had already started

7- My mom is making me a scarf - Present Continuous

A scarf is being made by my mother
My mom will be making me a scarf.
A scarf is being made for me by my mom.

8 - On every Monday, I will be going to a library near my house. - Future Continuous

On every Monday, the library near my house will be being gone to by me.
I used to go to the library near my house every Monday.
I will have gone to the library near my house every Monday.

9- My grandmother will have gone to the supermarket by then. Future Perfect

By then, my grandmother will have visited the supermarket
By then, the supermarket will have been visited by my grandmother.
The supermarket will have been gone to by my grandmother by then.
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