Possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns, Adjective pronouns and Genitive Case. - Do you really know what their function is and how they are used ? Group: Ana Karolina, Julia, Poliana e Hanna

What is the right way to write the sentence below ? This is our _____ car. (Boss)
This is our bos'ss car.
This is our bos's car.
This is our boss's car.

Rewrite using the genitive case: John and Mary are cousins. Did you meet John and Mary's parents?
c) John and Mary are cousins. Did you meet John and Mary's parents?
b) John and Mary are cousins. Did you meet John and Mary's parents?
a) John and Mary are cousins. You met John and Mary's parents.
d) John and Mary are cousins. Did you meet John and Mary's parents?
e) John and Mary are cousins. Did you meet John and Mary's parents

Correct way of rewriting "This is not his car, his car is golden." using the possessive pronoun.
d) This is not he car, his car is the golden.
a) This is not his car, his car isn’t the golden one.
c) This is not his car, the golden one is his.
b) This is not his car, he car is golden.
Complete the exercise with possessive pronouns: Dialogue _ Lucas: We have a math exam right now, so I need to find a calculator urgently. - George: Why? What happened to_____? - Lucas: I forgot____at home.
Complete the sentence below correctly: “_____ friends are foreigners. _____ families are from Brazil and the Japan. ”
a) My – their
d) He - you
c) I – my
b) You – your

Complete the sentence below correctly I don't remember when I met _________ boyfriend.

Check the incorrect option, according to the Genitive Case
The sound from that bar is too loud.
The scene's the movie is still in my head.
The door of the car is not locking.
The water from the tap has an odd taste.
Mark the correct sentence: Genitive Case I. The roof of my house isn’t high enough. II. Do you know the capital´s Goiás? III. She didn’t like the end´s the book. IV. The offices of the building or the building’s offices.
I and IV
II, IV and III
II and III
IV and III
All alternatives are correct