Prepositions QUIZ!!!!

Prepositions QUIZ!!!!
This test is based on our study of "Prepositions" and reading the time correctly. 
"Beethoven is playing in the garden, where are they now...?"

Which Preposition I should be used?

"Beethoven is playing in the garden, where are they now...?" Which Preposition I should be used?

Beethoven is standing on top of the house
Beethoven is between his house and the beach ball!
Beethoven is guiding a blind man down the street
Beethoven is flying over the clouds
Bart had to meet Lisa after school. What time did they arrange to meet?

Bart had to meet Lisa after school. What time did they arrange to meet?

Bart and Lisa met, after twenty-five past two o'clock
Bart got busy preparing a prank for Todd and Rodd and picked Lisa up at ten to two o'clock
Bart got lost on the way and arrived at three o'clock
Lisa stayed at school helping teacher Elizabeth until half past seven and forgot about Bart
"Beethoven ran all morning and now he's tired, where are they?"

What preposition should I use?

"Beethoven ran all morning and now he's tired, where are they?" What preposition should I use?

Beethoven hid under his little house
Beethoven went to rest beside his little house
Beethoven lay on top of his house
Beethoven he went inside his house to sleep
"Lincoln invited Clyde and Luna to go to the movies at the end of the afternoon". What was the time they scheduled to meet?

"Lincoln invited Clyde and Luna to go to the movies at the end of the afternoon". What was the time they scheduled to meet?

Luna lost time for sleeping and clyde for playing and Lyncoln for helping Lola
Lincoln came with Clyde walking and Luna came from the concert on her bicycle and met at half past six in the afternoon at the cinema.
Clyde and Luna did not meet at six thirty-five in the afternoon
Luna and Lyncoln met at five o'clock in the morning
"Beethoven really wanted to go out and play with his beach ball"

What is the correct form of preposition?

"Beethoven really wanted to go out and play with his beach ball" What is the correct form of preposition?

The beach ball is trying to lift Beethoven.
Beethoven is bouncing his beach ball.
The beach ball is trying to get away from Beethoven
Beethoven is playing with the beach ball on top of him.
Mabel wanted to go with Mr. Weddles, her little pig, but Dipper convinced her to go out to hunt mysteries.

What time did Dipper set to leave?

Mabel wanted to go with Mr. Weddles, her little pig, but Dipper convinced her to go out to hunt mysteries. What time did Dipper set to leave?

Wendy asked Deeper to help clean the House of Mysteries and he was two hours late.
Mabel and Depper left at ten minutes to one in the woods.
Stanley left and locked the House of Mysteries with Mabel and Depper inside until ten o'clock at night.
Mabel found Mr. Waddles and his friends Grenda and Candy and they played with glitter until five o'clock.
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