Present perfec X Simple past

Present perfec X Simple past

Hit the sentences

Imagem de perfil user: Manda Salve DM
Manda Salve DM


Are you ready ?

Erik Zanella
Fernanda Gonçalves
Leonardo Alves
Maria Clara
Murilo Braz

Are you ready ? Erik Zanella Fernanda Gonçalves Leonardo Alves Maria Clara Murilo Braz

Good Morning i'm the manager of this
event producer please, how long have
you worked with events?

Good Morning i'm the manager of this event producer please, how long have you worked with events?

Good morning I’ve been working with events for 10 years
Good Morning I worked with events for 10 years
Good Morning I will Work For 10 years
why do you stand out among the others?

why do you stand out among the others?

because I am more skilled than him
because I am more skilled, hardworking and I have more experience than they
Because I am is as skilled as João
Do you intend to learn any more languages ?

Do you intend to learn any more languages ?

I want to study more about languages
He plays with some friends on the weekend
I want to learn some languages
waht was the theme of your first event ?

waht was the theme of your first event ?

My first event is to combat prejudice against former prisoners
my first event was intended to combat prejudice against former prisoners
my first event will be about fighting prejudice against ex-convicts
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