Simple Past of irregular verbs

Simple Past of irregular verbs

Quiz de perguntas sobre o Simple Past. Turma: 803 Alunos: Ana Cecília, Ana Clara Galvão, Elen Julia, Mariana Lopes, Pedro Joaquim

Imagem de perfil user: D2ANACLARA Galvão Pereira



What is simple past?

actions that took place in The past that haver already been completed
Actions that are yey to take place

Whinch of these is not in The simple past?

Did she dance?
You were running in The marathon.
She studied math Last night.
I called you three days ago.

Whinch one is correct according to The simple past?

They did not fly
They do not fly

Whinch of these termos is part of The simple past?

Did/ Did not
Do/ do not

When " did" is used at The beginning of senteces?

Negative form
Interrogative form
Affirmative form

What do I need to do to transform this sentence into The simple past? " I not dance"

Remove The not
Chang Word order
Add The did

Whinch alternative is correct regarding The simple past?

Are actions that Will happen.
Are actions that did not happen.
Are actions that haver already happened.

The simple past can be used to indicate future actions?

No, can not used to indicate future actions.
Yes, can be used to indicate future actions.

Where The verbo to " learn" is being used correctly in The simple past?

We learn how to dance samba Last week
We learned how to dance samba Last week.
Whinch of The senteces is expressing The action in The simple past?

Whinch of The senteces is expressing The action in The simple past?

Diana and her dad are going to Cook a delicious dinner tomorrow.
Diana and her dad coocked a delicious dinner last night.
Diana and her dad coocked a delicious dinner last night.
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