Simple past Quiz

Simple past Quiz

Questões sobre o simple past

Imagem de perfil user: Maria Tayna Costa
Maria Tayna Costa



As for the simple past tense, mark the correct alternative:

Na frase did you drink water? O verbo drink variará segundo o sujeito da frase – caso you seja substituído por he ou she, por exemplo.
Na frase She didn’t show up, did she? O conjunto formado por did she é chamado tag question – comumente utilizado para solicitar confirmações ou realizar perguntas de forma indireta.

It is correct to infer about the simple past tense:

Na frase what happened to her? O foco esta no sujeito que cometeu a ação.
Na frase When did he leave? O foco esta no momento em se cometeu a ação.

Complete a frase abaixo com a flexão de Simple Past correta do verbo entre parênteses. Fique (affirmative, negative ou interrogative). I _____________ the house three times yesterday. (to clean - affirmative form)

Not clean

Complete a frase abaixo no Simple Past She _____________ the windows because it was too hot in here. (to open - affirmative form)

Not open

Assinale a alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas das frases a seguir: He __________ me a favor 2 months ago. They __________an attempt to escape. I __________an important decision last night.

made – made – made
did – made – made

Which of the following alternatives has the same verb tense as the sentence: Generation Y grew up with technology?

She will go to school by car.
She went to school by car.
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