Irregular verbs in the past- Affirmative/Negative/ Interrogative

Irregular verbs in the past- Affirmative/Negative/ Interrogative

In every day life we sometimes talk about events that happened in the past, please study the following presentation in order to identify some elements that we use to describe past events. Review the following presentation so that you identify some elements to express events in the simple past. Simple Past is used to indicate past actions already completed, that is, to talk about facts that have already happened; that defined and ended in the past.

Imagem de perfil user: Victoria Bazzo
Victoria Bazzo



I _______ to Brazil last mont. Which irregular affirmative verbs is right?

I will go

The student ________ the debate by asking a question about economy. Which irregular affirmative verbs is right?


Check the alternative that correctly fills in the gaps I, II and III of the following sentences: He ____(I) me a favor 2 months ago. They ____(II) an attempt to escape. I ____(III) an important decision last night.

made - did - did
did - made - made
did - made - did
made - made - made

Complete as sentenças no Passado Simples do inglês (verbos irregulares) para a forma negativa, usando a forma contraída DIDN'T. Exemplo: I told him my phone number. --> I didn't tell him my phone number. 1.You went to class yesterday.

Didn't write the school ticket
Didn't draw the school
You didn't go to class yesterday

2.I made my bed this morning

I didn't make my bed this morning
We didn't buy my bed this morning
My son didn't draw
They didn't Build my house

1 choose the sentence that is in the interrogative of the verb past simple irregular

Did you drink wine last night?
Am I tired today?
Is she sad?

2 choose the sentence that is in the interrogative of the verb past simple irregular

Did you clean your bedroom?
What are you doing?
Is my mom a good teacher?
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