Quiz de inglês: Conditions 🤩🥳
Vamos fazer um quiz para vc saber seu nível de habilidade nas ✨Conditions✨
If I get up late, I miss the school bus.(Se eu acordar tarde, perdo o ônibus escolar.) Essa frase é da:
Zero condition
First Condition
Second condition
Third condition
If we tell our parents we want it, they will give it to us.(Se dissermos aos nossos pais que queremos, eles nos darão.) Essa frase está:
Third condition
Zero condition
Firts Condition
Second condition
If Mathias had the courage, he would go on the roller coaster. (“Se Mathias tivesse coragem, ele iria na montanha-russa”)
Second condition
Third condition
First condition
Zero condition
You would have passed your exam if you had worked harder.(Você teria passado no seu exame se tivesse trabalhado mais.)
Third condition
Zero condition
Second condition
First condition
If you heat ice, it melts. (Se a gente esquenta o gelo, ele derrete.)
Second condition
Zero condition
First condition
Third condition
If she comes to the party, I will ask her to go a date with me. (Se ela vier à festa, vou pedir para ela ir a um encontro comigo.) Você sabe dessa?
First condition
Zero condition
Third condition
Second condition
You would get wet if it rained.(Você se molharia se chovesse) E essa?
First condition
Third condition
Second condition
Zero condition
You could have been on time if you had caught the bus.(Você poderia ter sido pontual se tivesse pego o ônibus.) Acha que essa é?
Third condition
Zero condition
First condition
Second condition