Quiz Zero, First, Second, and Third conditionals

Quiz Zero, First, Second, and Third conditionals

Teste seus conhecimentos sobre inglês

Imagem de perfil user: David

Marque a alternativa que possui uma frase do first conditional

If I were you, I would ask her to marry me
If it rains, we will have to cancel the picnic

Marque a alternativa que possui uma frase do second conditional

What would you do if it were to rain later?
If you come with me, i will make it worthwhile for you

Marque a alternativa que possui uma frase do third conditional

If I had studied a little more in college, life would have been easier
If I go abroad, I will get something back for you

Marque a alternativa que possui uma frase do zero conditional

If you cool water to zero degrees, it turns into ice.
If we had gotten to the airport on time, we would have caught our flight


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