No cartum apresentado, a criança faz uma espécie de proposta de trabalho para o pai, dando a entender que ela:
Não compreende como funcionam as relações trabalhistas.
Não sabe muito de tecnologia, uma vez que mistura conceitos básicos.
Reproduz o discurso do progenitor, que domina tecnologia.
Quer transformar em negócio as assistências técnicas que oferece.
Sabe que seguirá carreira em tecnologia, mesmo não conhecendo a área.
Prescriptions for fighting epidemics Epidemics have plagued humanity since the dawn of settled life. Yet, success in conquering them remains patchy. Experts predict that a global one that could kill more than 300 million people would come round in the next 20 to 40 years. What pathogen would cause it is anybody's guess. Chances are that it will be a virus that lurks in birds or mammals, or one that that has not yet hatched. The scariest are both highly lethal and spread easily among humans. Thankfully, bugs that excel at the first tend to be weak at the other. But mutations - ordinary business for germs - can change that in a blink. Moreover, when humans get too close to beasts, either wild or packed in farms, an animal disease can become a human one. A front-runner for global pandemics is the seasonal influenza virus, which mutates so much that a vaccine must be custom-made every year. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, which killed 50 million to 100 million people, was a potent version of the "swine flu" that emerged in 2009. The H5N1 "avian flu" strain, deadly in 60% of cases, came about in the 1990s when a virus that sickened birds made the jump to a human. Ebola, HIV and Zika took a similar route. De acordo com o texto, os especialistas
pressupõem que haverá uma pandemia futura, ainda sem patógeno identificado.
identificaram o vírus que poderá matar mais de 300 milhões de pessoas.
presumem que vacinas sejam capazes de conter epidemias, ainda que sem evidências.
acreditam que os vírus mais letais não são transmitidos para os humanos.
estão criando patógenos mutantes em laboratórios para produzir vacinas.
(Mesmo texto da pergunta anterior) Prescriptions for fighting epidemics Epidemics have plagued humanity since the dawn of settled life. Yet, success in conquering them remains patchy. Experts predict that a global one that could kill more than 300 million people would come round in the next 20 to 40 years. What pathogen would cause it is anybody's guess. Chances are that it will be a virus that lurks in birds or mammals, or one that that has not yet hatched. The scariest are both highly lethal and spread easily among humans. Thankfully, bugs that excel at the first tend to be weak at the other. But mutations - ordinary business for germs - can change that in a blink. Moreover, when humans get too close to beasts, either wild or packed in farms, an animal disease can become a human one. A front-runner for global pandemics is the seasonal influenza virus, which mutates so much that a vaccine must be custom-made every year. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, which killed 50 million to 100 million people, was a potent version of the "swine flu" that emerged in 2009. The H5N1 "avian flu" strain, deadly in 60% of cases, came about in the 1990s when a virus that sickened birds made the jump to a human. Ebola, HIV and Zika took a similar route. De acordo com o primeiro parágrafo,
doenças presentes em animais e aves podem se transformar em doenças humanas.
as mutações que os germes sofrem geralmente atenuam a sua letalidade.
há perspectivas de erradicar as epidemias nos próximos 40 anos.
as aves são as principais transmissoras de patógenos, devido à sua mobilidade.
as epidemias assolaram principalmente os povos ancestrais nômades.
(Mesmo texto da pergunta anterior) Prescriptions for fighting epidemics Epidemics have plagued humanity since the dawn of settled life. Yet, success in conquering them remains patchy. Experts predict that a global one that could kill more than 300 million people would come round in the next 20 to 40 years. What pathogen would cause it is anybody's guess. Chances are that it will be a virus that lurks in birds or mammals, or one that that has not yet hatched. The scariest are both highly lethal and spread easily among humans. Thankfully, bugs that excel at the first tend to be weak at the other. But mutations - ordinary business for germs - can change that in a blink. Moreover, when humans get too close to beasts, either wild or packed in farms, an animal disease can become a human one. A front-runner for global pandemics is the seasonal influenza virus, which mutates so much that a vaccine must be custom-made every year. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, which killed 50 million to 100 million people, was a potent version of the "swine flu" that emerged in 2009. The H5N1 "avian flu" strain, deadly in 60% of cases, came about in the 1990s when a virus that sickened birds made the jump to a human. Ebola, HIV and Zika took a similar route. De acordo com o segundo parágrafo,
o vírus H5N1 é uma mutação do vírus HIV.
os vírus Ebola, HIV e Zika passaram a contaminar os seres humanos.
vírus influenza possui comportamento sazonal, ou seja, é capaz de se espalhar pelos continentes.
um vírus só é considerado perigoso se sua letalidade
a gripe suína de 2009 foi muito mais letal que a gripe superar 60% dos casos de contaminação. espanhola de 1918.
PERGUNTA EXTRA De que lugar é essa bandeira?
Anor Londo
Ilhas Salomão
Night City
Samoa Americana